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Issue - meetings

Surrenden Field, Staplehurst

Meeting: 14/12/2016 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 142)

142 Report of the Director of Finance and Business Improvement - Surrenden Field, Staplehurst pdf icon PDF 64 KB

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That the disposal of Surrenden Field and Nicholson Walk on a freehold basis to Staplehurst Parish Council be agreed and that delegation of the negotiation of terms of transfer be given to the Director of Finance and Business Improvement in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee.


Members considered the report of the Director of Finance and Business Improvement relating to Surrenden Field, Staplehurst.


Councillor Pickett, as Chairman of Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee, declared that although this item had previously come to his Committee he would listen to both sides of the debate before making up his mind, and intended to speak and vote.


The Director of Finance and Business Improvement advised the Committee that the Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee had agreed to declare the land surplus to requirements and to dispose of the site to Staplehurst Parish Council by way of freehold transfer with the proviso that if the land were placed on the market in the future, ownership would revert back to the Borough Council.  However, this would be difficult to enforce and was not supported by Officers.  Members noted that the current Council policy supported a long term leasehold arrangement.


Members were informed that Surrenden Field was owned freehold by the Borough Council and had been leased to Staplehurst Parish Council for the last 18 years.  The current lease was for a term of 21 years, expiring in 2019.  Staplehurst Parish Council had requested that a new arrangement be considered instead of another lease.


Members were advised that there were three options available for  consideration which were:-


1.  To grant the Parish Council a 125 year lease of the land and Nicolson Walk which would satisfy the future plans for the playing field.

2.  Decide to follow the provisions of the Landlord and Tenant Ac 1954 and grant the Parish Council a new lease on identical terms to the current lease.

3.  Dispose of the site to the Parish Council by way of freehold transfer.


In the ensuing discussion, comments raised by Members included:-


·  An offer of a longer term lease would not be accepted by the Parish Council as they consider that major investment is needed for both the land and Nicolson Walk.  They would be prepared to carry out this work if offered the freehold on the land.

·  The field was at the heart of the village and considered an important asset to the community.  The land was well used and events held there included the Village Fete and Carnival.

·  A longer term lease would give the Parish Council certainty and the Council protection.

·  The Borough Council had an obligation to get best value for the land if it were to offer it on a freehold basis to the Parish Council.

RESOLVED:  That the disposal of Surrenden Field and Nicolson Walk on a freehold basis to Staplehurst Parish Council be agreed and that delegation of the negotiation of terms of transfer be given to the Director of Finance and Business Improvement in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee.

Voting:  For:  12  Against:  3  Abstentions:  0