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Protocol for Appointment of Honorary Aldermen

Meeting: 05/09/2018 - Democracy Committee (Item 38)

38 Protocol for Appointment of Honorary Aldermen pdf icon PDF 62 KB

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Mr Bailey gave a presentation to the Committee setting out the draft protocol for the appointment of Honorary Aldermen following the work carried out at the working group of the Democracy Committee in August 2018 to consider the detail of a draft protocol.


Mr Bailey provided an update that following publication, an error was highlighted in the draft protocol.  The report should therefore include the following amendment to Appendix 2, page 53:


That “And/or made a significant contribution to the Council during their time serviced as a Councillor” is inserted as a bullet point after “A Chairman or Vice-Chairman of a Committee” and before “Appointment of Honorary Alderman.”


Members discussed whether it was appropriate to amend the criteria to confer the title of Honorary Alderman to any Councillor who has served for 12 years. It was stated that the inclusion of a criteria requiring a significant contribution to the Borough would be preferable.


The Committee debated the protocol and concluded that:


·  The definition of a “significant contribution” was subjective, and that the use of “exemplary” would be preferable;


·  The exemplary contribution should be to the Borough, rather than the Council;


·  The term Alderman was a title and therefore should not be referred to as ‘Alderwoman’ for female Councillors within the protocol; and


·  12 years was too short to be considered as an Honorary Alderman, and that 16 years should be the appropriate length of service.


Councillor Perry requested that his dissent was noted regarding the inclusion of an increased term of office.




1)  That the Protocol for the Appointment of Honorary Aldermen is agreed, effective from the date of adoption.


2)  That only current and future members of the Council can be considered for appointment as Honorary Aldermen.


3)  That Council is recommended to adopt the Protocol for the Appointment of Honorary Aldermen, subject to the following amendments:


The deletion of criteria stipulating the need for a Councillor to hold a specific position during their time at the Council.


That the minimum term of office is increased to 16 years.


That “An Honorary Alderman must have demonstrated an exemplary contribution to the Borough during their time served as Councillor.” is included as a criteria for appointment.


Deletion of reference to Honorary Alderwoman


Voting: Unanimous