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Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone. View directions

Contact: Esther Bell 01622 602463 Email: 

No. Item




Resolved:  That all items on the agenda be webcast.



Notification of Visiting Members.


It was noted that Councillors Bob Hinder and John A Wilson were substituting for Councillors Stephen Paine and James Ross respectively.



Disclosures by Members and Officers:

a)  Disclosures of interest.

b)  Disclosures of lobbying.

c)  Disclosures of whipping.


It was noted that there were no disclosures.



Exempt Items




That all items of the agenda be taken in public.



Amendment to the Order of Business pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Interview with:


·  Councillor Chris Garland, Leader of the Council;

·  Councillor Mark Wooding, Cabinet Member for Environment;

·  Assistant Director of Environmental Services, Steve Goulette; and

·  Parking Services Manager, Jeff Kitson.

Additional documents:


It was agreed that items 7 Objection to Traffic Regulation Order Off-Street and 8 Objection to Traffic Regulation On-Street of the agenda be taken together.


Resolved: That items 7 and 8 of the agenda be taken together.



Call-In: Objections to Traffic Regulation Order Off-Street and Traffic Regulation Order On-Street. pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Interview with:


·  Councillor Chris Garland, Leader of the Council;

·  Councillor Mark Wooding, Cabinet Member for Environment;

·  Assistant Director of Environmental Services, Steve Goulette; and

·  Parking Services Manager, Jeff Kitson.


Additional documents:


Councillors Clive English and Ian Chittenden began by presenting their reasons for calling in the two decisions of the Cabinet Member for Environment with regard to “Objections to Traffic Regulation Orders On- and Off-Street”.




Councillor English was of the opinion that consultation demonstrated a lack of support from residents and businesses with regard to the decisions.  He stated that it had previously been made clear that changes to parking regulations were only progressed where the public supported the proposals.  Councillor Chittenden stated that it was an insult to the public to ask for their opinion and then simply ignore it.  Only 2% of those who responded to the Council with regard to the amendments were in support of the proposals and the two petitions signed by 1500 people demonstrated significant opposition.  It was suggested that these petitions had been ‘airbrushed’ out of the decision and that the decisions had ignored the advice of the Joint Transportation Board (JTB).  It was noted that those who were not resident within the Borough but who had signed the petition were likely to be those affected by the proposal of Sunday car park charges.


In response, the Cabinet Member for Environment, Councillor Mark Wooding outlined that the statutory required consultation had been carried out with local residents and businesses.  The response received to the official public consultation was much lower than had been expected and 93.5% of those consulted had made no attempt to respond.  The consultation responses and the JTB had been listened to, which had been demonstrated by the deferral of the proposed reduction in waiting times and the introduction of visitor parking charges.  Councillor Wooding suggested to the Committee that there had been no evidence of overwhelming opposition.  The Parking Services Manager, Jeff Kitson, identified that there were situations in which decisions must be taken despite public opposition.  As these decisions attempt to control parking demand, some opposition was expected.  The Assistant Director of Environmental Service, Steve Goulette stated that objections had been given careful consideration.


With regard to the petitions, Councillor Wooding acknowledged that both petitions were submitted outside of the consultation period and so it was difficult to determine how much weight should be attributed to these.  One petition had been submitted prior to the beginning of formal consultation and therefore the public were unlikely to have had sufficient information regarding the proposals.  The second was facilitated by a political party and so was likely to have been politically biased.


A number of Members felt that it should not be assumed that all those who did not respond to the formal consultation were in favour of the proposals. Mr Stephen Pullen, a local resident, believed that a lack of response was more likely to be as a result of the general public disaffection with the political process at a local and national level.  It was also suggested that the decisions to implement these changes had been made prior to the beginning of the consultation process.  Councillor Wooding indicated  ...  view the full minutes text for item 151.


Road Safety Report pdf icon PDF 30 KB

Additional documents:


Members considered the Road Safety Report and agreed that they would contact the Overview and Scrutiny Officer, Mrs Bell, with any further comments by Friday 1 May 2009.  The Committee made the following initial comments and suggested amendments:


·  That the report be amended to include a recommendation for an annual road safety day with key stakeholders; 

·  That a recommendation be made to the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership regarding the importance of urging all partners to be actively involved in promoting road safety;

·  That recommendation (a) (ii), ‘Allowing the police to breathalyse more drivers using intelligence led breath testing’ be clarified;

·  That with reference to the witness session with the Executive Director of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety, a recommendation be included to lobby Central Government with regard to keeping British Summer Time all year round; and

·  That a recommendation be included with regard to raising awareness of the impact of tiredness.


The Committee agreed that the final draft of the report would be approved by the Chairman in consultation with the road safety working group Chairman, Councillor FitzGerald, prior to its submission to the Cabinet Member for Environment.  The Committee agreed that the report should be presented to the Joint Transportation Board and the Local Strategic Partnership.


Resolved: That


a)  The Committee submit further comments with regard to the Road Safety report to the Overview and Scrutiny Officer by Friday 1 May 2009;

b)  The Chairman approve the final draft of the Road Safety report for submission to the Cabinet Member for Environment in consultation with the Chairman of the Road Safety working group;

c)  That the final report be presented to the Joint Transportation Board and the Local Strategic Partnership; and

d)  The report be amended to include the following:

  i.  A recommendation that the Council hosts an annual road safety day with key stakeholders; 

  ii.  A recommendation be made to the Crime and Disorder Partnership regarding the importance of urging all partners to be actively involved in promoting road safety;

  iii.  Recommendation a (ii), ‘Allowing the police to breathalyse more drivers using intelligence led breath testing’ be clarified;

  iv.  A recommendation that Central Government be lobbied with regard to keeping British Summer Time all year round; and

  v.  A recommendation with regard to raising awareness of the impact of tiredness.




Duration of Meeting


6.30 p.m. to 9.25 p.m.