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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone

Contact: Janet Barnes 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.



Notification of Substitute Members


There were no substitutions.



Notification of Visiting Members


There were no Visiting Members.



Disclosures by Members and Officers


The Head of Human Resources disclosed an interest, on behalf of all officers present, in items 8 – HR Policy Revision – Redundancy Policy, 9 – HR Policy Revision – Capability Policy, and 10 – Terms and Conditions.  With the agreement of the Panel the officers remained in the meeting when the items were discussed in order to offer advice and answer questions.



Disclosures of Lobbying


There were no disclosures of lobbying.



Exempt Items


RESOLVED:  That item 11. Chief Executive – Review and Objectives be taken in private as proposed.



Minutes of the meeting held on 21 July 2010 pdf icon PDF 50 KB


RESOLVED:  That the Minutes of the Meeting Held on 21 July 2010 be approved as a correct record and signed.



HR Policy Revision - Redundancy Policy pdf icon PDF 120 KB


The Panel considered the report of the Head of Human Resources setting out a revision to the redundancy policy.  It was noted that the Trade Unions had welcomed the changes to the policy as the document now reflected actual practices and provided clarity to all concerned.  The Panel asked whether the Council’s practices were in line with our partner authorities.  It was noted that Swale had adopted the same practices in April 2009 and that Tunbridge Wells were considering bringing their policy in line with the one proposed.


RESOLVED: That the revised Redundancy Policy, attached as an Appendix to the Report of the Head of Human Resources, to replace the Code of Conduct for dealing with Organisational Change be agreed.



HR Policy Revision - Capability Policy pdf icon PDF 112 KB


The Panel considered the report of the Head of Human Resources outlining a revision of the Council’s Capability Policy in order to give greater clarity to employees and managers about the process for managing poor performance.


The Panel were informed that the Human Resources partnership had led to policy sharing between authorities and whilst Swale had taken on the Maidstone grievance policy it was felt that the Swale Capability Policy was much simpler and easier to understand so it was recommended for adoption.  It was noted that whilst the trade Unions had yet to formally comment on the policy they had seen it informally.


It was requested that the issue of capability be raised as an issue for managers, in order to handle capability correctly and an amendment was suggested to paragraph 1.4 of the policy to ensure managers were specifically mentioned.  The Panel were informed that there were two elements to the induction, one completed by all staff and one by Managers.  This included such issues as capability and would introduce them to the policy.




1.  That the revised Capability Policy, attached as an Appendix to the report of the Head of Human Resources  with paragraph 1.4 amended from ‘employees understand’ to ‘employees and managers understand’ and ‘induction and training identified through…’ to ‘induction and training identified and delivered through…’, be approved to go forward to consultation with trade unions; and


2.  That the Head of Human Resources be given delegated authority to consult with trade unions to agree the policy.




Terms and Conditions pdf icon PDF 104 KB


The Panel considered the report of the Head of Human Resources setting out a list of proposed changes to terms and conditions for staff.  These had been brought forward to identify savings and the work carried out had involved the consultation with the staff forum.  The aim of the process was to be as open and involving with staff as possible in order to ensure they were engaged in the process.


Concerns were raised by the Panel regarding the changes to the lease car scheme.  Currently, there were two rates for lease cars, one for Chief Officers and another for all other staff.  The proposal was to apply the lower rate to all staff.  The Panel were concerned that whilst this was supported in the short term consideration needed to be given to the overall package offered to senior staff in order to recruit and retain the best staff in a competitive marketplace.


It was noted that the NJC rates for mileage claims from casual and essential users would be switching to the HMRC rates currently at 40p.  Whilst this rate had not changed for a while it was felt appropriate that the Council rate track the HMRC rate in future.


The Panel agreed with the removal of selling annual leave and expressed concerns about the scheme of buying and selling annual leave.  As a consequence they requested that should the reintroduction of the scheme be considered it be presented to the Panel first.


Removing free tea and coffee for staff had been put forward as a saving suggestion by the Staff Forum.  However, the Panel felt that it was important for staff morale that the provision of tea, coffee and milk was retained.


RESOLVED:  That the following be agreed:


1.  Removal of the Chief Officer Lease car rate on pay protection in accordance with the Council’s policy;


2.  As lease cars are due to be replaced officers be given the cash alternative option instead of a replacement car; as roles become vacant the need for any sort of payment for a lease car will be reviewed;


3.  All mileage rates, except for those with lease cars, be changed to track the HMRC rates, which are currently 40 pence per mile; this is consistent with the rates claimed by Members. Lease car rates (for those with the lease car supplement) will remain lower;


4.  The policy allowing staff to sell annual leave be suspended with immediate effect, this may be reinstated at some point in the future with an improvement in the economy but this matter be reported back to the Employment and Development Panel prior to reinstatement;


5.  The policy on Essential Car User be reviewed to more closely define who is entitled to receive this allowance and to withdraw the allowance from all those that do not meet the criteria; and


6.  That the Head of Human Resources be given delegation to consult with trade unions and to agree the policy.


Chief Executive - Review and Objectives


The Panel carried out the review via interview with the Chief Executive.


RESOLVED: That Alison Broom’s substantive appointment to the post of Chief Executive, following completion of her probationary period, be confirmed.


Duration of Meeting


9.00am to 12.05pm