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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone. View directions

Contact: Janet Barnes  01622 602242 Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


There were apologies for absence from Councillors Mrs Gibson, Naghi and Newton



Notification of Substitute Members


It was noted that Councillor Black was a substitute for Councillor Mrs Gibson.



Notification of Visiting Members


There were no Visiting Members.



Disclosures by Members and Officers


There were no disclosures by Members or Officers.



Disclosures of Lobbying


There were no disclosures of lobbying.



Exempt Items


RESOLVED: That the item on the Agenda be taken in public but should matters regarding financial/business affairs need to be discussed, then these discussions would be held in private.



Application for Street Trading Consent - Mr Kennedy - Jubilee Square, Maidstone

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Head of Housing and Community Services regarding an application for a street trading consent for a Christmas Market in Jubilee Square for a period of 10 days at times as set out in the application.


The Chairman introduced those present and ensured that everyone understood the procedure to be followed.


The Head of Housing and Community Services presented the report, outlining the application received.


Mr Foster, on behalf of the Applicant, was then given an opportunity to present his case.  He stated that it was felt the Christmas Market would add diversity to the offer of the Town Centre, attract more people and make them stay longer.  He said Jubilee Square was created to hold all sorts of events, including markets.  An up-to-date plan showing the location of the stalls was circulated to Members at the meeting. He informed the Committee that the layout was configured in a way that they can connect to the electricity supply in order to decorate their stalls with lights, to ensure there is pedestrian access available and it is away from the recognised crossing lanes.


Mr Foster said there were 13 frontages onto Jubilee Square, of which 2 sold hot food.  Looking further afield, e.g. down to the entrance to Royal Star Arcade, Bank Street, Gabriels Hill, there are 46 premises, of which 9 sold hot food.  He did not believe this created an overcrowding of these activities.  There was a market held in this location last year which was well received and no complaints were received by the Council and they felt the introduction of hot food will provide a new attraction to make it more successful than it was last year.  For these reasons, the Applicant and Mr Foster believe the Christmas Market is a benefit to the Town Centre as a whole.  These markets are common in many other cities/towns and have helped to generate an increase in income for all retailers in the area.


The Objectors were then given an opportunity to ask Mr Foster questions.


Mr Rayner asked Mr Foster to name the 9 hot food premises he referred to as being in the vicinity.


Mr Foster responded – Kala Red, Eden, Lunch Basket, Muggletons, The Brenchley, Subway, Greggs, Wimpey and Burger King.


Members were then given an opportunity to ask Mr Foster questions.  In response to questions, Mr Foster said he did not believe there was a specific “definition” of a Christmas Market, the applicant operates a number of markets and has a number of different stalls.  A number of different operators were approached, but only this operator submitted an application.  A nativity event is also taking place at the same time.  The selling of hot food pays for the SIA security which is required overnight.  If these were refused then the market would become unviable.



The objectors were then given the opportunity to state their case.


Mr White, on behalf of Town Centre Management Limited (“TCM”), stated that he  ...  view the full minutes text for item 63.


Duration of Meeting


10.30 a.m. to 12.20 p.m.