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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone. View directions

Contact: Janet Barnes  01622 602242 Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Mrs Gibson.



Notification of Substitute Members


The following substitution was noted:-


Councillor Butler for Councillor Mrs Gibson



Notification of Visiting Members


There were no Visiting Members.



Disclosures by Members and Officers


Councillors Naghi and Sellar declared a personal interest in Item 11 – Street Trading Applications for Multiple Sites in Fremlin Walk as both Councillors have contact with Fremlin Walk management, but they declared they have not taken part in any communication/discussion on this particular matter.



Disclosures of Lobbying


There were no disclosures of Lobbying.



Exempt Items


RESOLVED: That the items on the Agenda be taken in public as proposed.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 45 KB


Matter Arising – Minute 37 – In response to a question from the Chairman, Mr Conyon updated Members on the position with his request for taxis to access the Lower High Street.  The Democratic Services Manager stated that he would continue to pursue a response from KCC Highways.


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 19 November 2009 be approved as a correct record and signed.



Review of Fees and Charges pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Democratic Services Manager regarding a proposed increase in discretionary fees and charges for 2010/11.


The Committee raised concern at the amount of shortfall within the budget and they were informed that the majority of the costs were charges from other departments for enforcement and inspection of the facilities.


Members felt that a report was required which set out a breakdown of the costs relating to these licences.  Members also requested that the report contain comparison of costs with the other Councils in the partnership and whether they too have a budget shortfall.


RESOLVED: That no increase in fees and charges be made until a full review, as outlined above, had been undertaken and reported back by the Democratic Services Manager.



Taxis and Private Hire - Review of Fees and Charges pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Democratic Services Manager regarding a proposed 1% increase in the discretionary fees and charges in respect of matters related to hackney carriage vehicles, private hire vehicles, operator licences and driver licences.  They also considered the comments of Mr Conyon.


RESOLVED: That a 1% increase in fees and charges, as set out in Appendix A to the report of the Democratic Services Manager, for the 2010/11 financial year be approved.



Consultation on Street Trading and Pedlar Legislation pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Democratic Services Manager regarding whether to respond to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills consultation paper on street trading and pedlar laws.


RESOLVED: That the Council respond in the following terms to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills consultation paper on street trading and pedlar legislation:-


·  That any change made should not repeal or change any of the provisions of the Maidstone Borough Council Act 2006 which allows pedlars to only operate house to house and not operate in the streets thereby enabling the Council to control all street trading activities through its street trading consent policy unless the provisions of that Act become national legislation

·  Street trading would best be administered through local authorities though this could only be administered with a national database and with proper funding from the Government or from fees so that there would be no cost to the Council

·  Option D, as set out in paragraph 1.3.7 of the report of the Democratic Services Manager, would be the most appropriate enforcement policy. 

·  The definition of “pedlar” should be modernised

·  The pedlar’s certificate should bear a national number






Street Trading Applications for Multiple Sites in Fremlin Walk pdf icon PDF 79 KB


The Committee considered the report of the Democratic Services Manager regarding a proposed change to the current Street Trading Policy to deal with applications for multiple sites in Fremlin Walk.


RESOLVED:  That it be agreed to consult on a proposed change to the Street Trading Policy as it relates to the procedure for dealing with applications for street trading in Fremlin Walk as detailed in the report of the Democratic Services Manager.



Duration of Meeting


6.30 p.m. to 7.43 p.m.