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Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Maidstone House, King Street, Maidstone

Contact: Esther Bell 01622 602463 Email: 

No. Item




It was noted that Councillor Marchant and Councillor Mrs Stockell had given their apologies for the meeting.


Notification of Substitute Members.


It was noted that Councillor FitzGerald was substituting for Councillor Marchant.


Notification of Visiting Members.


It was noted that Councillor Warner was a visiting member with an interest in Agenda Item 6, Safer Maidstone Partnership Scrutiny.


Disclosures by Members and Officers:

a)  Disclosures of interest.

b)  Disclosures of lobbying.

c)  Disclosures of whipping.


There were no disclosures.


To consider whether any items should be taken in private because of the possible disclosure of exempt information.


Resolved: That all items be taken in public as proposed.


Safer Maidstone Partnership Scrutiny. pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Approximate Timings


10 a.m. to 11 a.m.   Anti-Social Behaviour.


11 a.m. to 11.15 a.m.   Target Setting.


11.15 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.  Communication with Councillors.

Additional documents:


Anti-Social Behaviour

The Chairmen welcomed the visitors from the Safer Maidstone Partnership (SMP) to the meeting; partners were invited to speak to the Committee in turn to address the issues raised.


Inspector Sandwell outlined the response circulated to the Committee from Chief Inspector David Pascoe. It was highlighted that the SMP had a priority theme to reduce levels of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) and improve confidence in the public’s perception of how the partnership tackles ASB.  The process for managing ASB calls was outlined to the committee, it was noted that confidence and user satisfaction were high on the Police agenda. A number of resources were allocated to tackle ASB locally and these were allocated evenly between rural and urban areas. The Police engaged the local community through approaching people direct in the community. With regard to discouraging ASB offences a number of initiatives were in place, restorative justice practices were currently being rolled out across Kent. In relation to young people there were a number of initiatives in place and the Police had made a clear commitment and investment to work with young people in the borough.


Chris Jones, Area Children’s Services Officer, Kent County Council (KCC) summarised the paper he had prepared on ASB. Mr Jones highlighted that it was important to understand the context of educational provision in Maidstone. As the area had a selective school system children were often going to school outside of the area they lived, the need for schools to work together was therefore more important in Maidstone. It was explained that schools were independent from KCC, KCC however worked closely with schools to support young people and address issues such as anti-social behaviour.


Linda Prickett, West Kent Primary Care Trust (PCT) explained that the PCT was  involved through partnership working in a number of areas to tackle ASB. It was highlighted that Health Visitors focus their work on supporting families in most need, where children are statistically vulnerable to involvement in ASB.  The Healthy Schools team contribute to Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) in schools to promote resilience in young people to refuse drugs and alcohol which will help prevent and reduce ASB. The PCT also contributed to work carried out to promote social identity and cohesion with partners and local delivery of services for example in the Fusion Healthy Living Centre, through ‘Planning for Real’ and was working closely with the Kent Drug and Alcohol Action Team (KDAAT).


David Hewetson, Community Safety Unit manager informed the committee that the Community Safety Unit (CSU) was now operational, carrying out joint problem solving between the Police and the Council. It was highlighted that when a call was received by the CSU relating to ASB this was followed up with a home visit. The Safer Maidstone Partnership (SMP) had a Community Safety Tasking Group with 20 practitioners involved; this group considered problem locations in the borough and identified appropriate intervention and responsible authorities. CCTV now had an additional 7 cameras which were monitored  ...  view the full minutes text for item 123.


INFORMATION: Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership Scrutiny Protocols pdf icon PDF 56 KB


Resolved: That the information be noted.


Duration of the Meeting


10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.