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Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone

Contact: Caroline Matthews  01622 602743

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


It was noted that apologies had been received from Councillor Mrs Ring.



Urgent Items


The Chairman indicated that she had agreed to take the Urgent Update from Officers and the revised SCRAIP from Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee.



Notification of Visiting Members


Councillors Hogg, McKay, Powell and J Wilson indicated that they reserved their right to speak on Agenda Item 7.  Councillors Round and Sargeant indicated that they were just observing.




Disclosures by Members and Officers


Councillor Burton indicated that he had an Other Significant Interest in Site H1 (10) Land to South of Sutton Road and would leave the room whilst this item was being discussed.




Disclosures of lobbying


All Members stated that they had been lobbied on all the sites mentioned in Agenda Item 7.



Exempt Items


RESOLVED:  That all agenda items be taken in public as proposed.



Report of the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Call In of Cabinet Decisions dated 4 February 2015 - Maidstone Borough Local Plan - New and Amended Site Allocations pdf icon PDF 56 KB

Additional documents:



Cabinet noted the recommendations of Planning, Transportation and

Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee as set out in the SCRAIP

following the Call In and made the following decisions:-

(1)  H1 (25) – Tongs Meadow, West Street Harrietsham

 That in view of the recent advice from Natural England (NE) that they would be unlikely to consider issuing an EPS (European Protected Species) Development License given the fact that the site is a receptor site for a previous development, Cabinet resolved that this site would go forward to Regulation 18 Consultation for deletion.

Voting: 5 Agreed – unanimous

(2)  H1 (10) – Land South of Sutton Road


(1)    point (c) of the original decision “there would be an
   unacceptable cumulative impact on traffic generations in the
  Sutton Road corridor” be deleted for consistency with Sites 
  (7), (8) and (9) with the other sites in that area and the full
  detailed transport modelling is not currently available;

  Voting:  4 Agreed - unanimous  .

(2)  add in the same criterion in the Local Plan for consistency
  which has been added at Criterion 10, paragraph vii of Sites
  H1 (7), (8) and (9) which is “strategic road infrastructure to
  significantly relieve traffic congestion on Sutton Road and
  Willington Street”;

  Voting:  4 Agreed – unanimous

(3)  point (e) of the original decision “that development here   
  would not command the consent of local people as reflected
  in the consultation response” be deleted on the grounds of

  Voting: 4 Agreed – unanimous

  (4)  having noted the Committee’s recommendation for Cabinet
  to reconsider their decision on this site and put it forward for
  Regulation 19 consultation, Members voted to reject this
  Voting: 2 Agreed
  2 Against

  Chairman had the casting vote.

  (5)  having deleted points (c) and (e) from the original decision
  and added in a new Criterion for H1 – (10) Land South of
  Sutton Road which mirrors Criterion 10, paragraph vii of
  Sites H1 (7), (8) and (9), the original decision that this site
  go forward to Regulation 18 consultation for deletion would
   still stand;

  Voting:  2 Agreed
  2 Against

  Chairman had the casting vote.

  Councillor Burton left the meeting before this site was

  (6)  Cabinet noted the disappointment of the Committee that
  they had not given a reason for recommending site H1 (20) -
  Postley Road, Tovil to go forward for Regulation 19 
  consultation. Cabinet felt that they had fully considered the  
  issues raised by Committee and Visiting Members but after
  careful consideration having considered the policy criteria for
  H1 (20) maintained their view that these will afford the
  protection aspired to and therefore that the site should go
  forward for Regulation 19 consultation.
   Voting:  3 Agreed
  1 Against


Cabinet considered the report of the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee relating to the Call In of the Cabinet Decision made on 2nd and 4th February 2015. 



Cabinet noted the recommendations of Planning, Transportation and

Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee as set out in the SCRAIP

following the Call In and made the following decisions:-

(1)  H1 (25) – Tongs Meadow, West Street Harrietsham

 That in view of the recent advice from Natural England (NE) that they would be unlikely to consider issuing an EPS (European Protected Species) Development License given the fact that the site is a receptor site for a previous development, Cabinet resolved that this site would go forward to Regulation 18 Consultation for deletion.

Voting: 5 Agreed – unanimous

(2)  H1 (10) – Land South of Sutton Road


(1)    point (c) of the original decision “there would be an
  unacceptable cumulative impact on traffic generations in the
  Sutton Road corridor” be deleted for consistency with Sites 
  (7), (8) and (9) with the other sites in that area and the full
  detailed transport modelling is not currently available;

  Voting:  4 Agreed - unanimous  .

(2)  add in the same criterion in the Local Plan for consistency
  which has been added at Criterion 10, paragraph vii of Sites
  H1 (7), (8) and (9) which is “strategic road infrastructure to
  significantly relieve traffic congestion on Sutton Road and
  Willington Street”;

  Voting:  4 Agreed – unanimous

(3)  point (e) of the original decision “that development here 
  would not command the consent of local people as reflected
  in the consultation response” be deleted on the grounds of

  Voting: 4 Agreed – unanimous

  (4)  having noted the Committee’s recommendation for Cabinet
  to reconsider their decision on this site and put it forward for
  Regulation 19 consultation, Members voted to reject this
  Voting: 2 Agreed
  2 Against

  Chairman had the casting vote.

  (5)  having deleted points (c) and (e) from the original decision
  and added in a new Criterion for H1 – (10) Land South of
  Sutton Road which mirrors Criterion 10, paragraph vii of
  Sites H1 (7), (8) and (9), the original decision that this site
  go forward to Regulation 18 consultation for deletion would
  still stand;

  Voting:  2 Agreed
  2 Against

  Chairman had the casting vote.

  Councillor Burton left the meeting before this site was

  (6)  Cabinet noted the disappointment of the Committee that
  they had not given a reason for recommending site H1 (20) -
  Postley Road, Tovil to go forward for Regulation 19 
  consultation. Cabinet felt that they had fully considered the 
  issues raised by Committee and Visiting Members but after
  careful consideration having considered the policy criteria for
  H1 (20) maintained their view that these will afford the
  protection aspired to and therefore that the site should go
  forward for Regulation 19 consultation.
  Voting:  3 Agreed
  1 Against


Report of the Head of Finance and Resources - Change to Criterion Relating to Sites at Headcorn and Staplehurst pdf icon PDF 50 KB



That the proposed change to the criterion relating to strategic issues of sewerage and water affecting sites at Headcorn and Staplehurst be approved as follows:-

“That Cabinet instruct Officers to renew efforts to engage with foul water utility providers and other organisations with responsibility for managing water, including surface water, in the borough concerning future infrastructure provision both to respond to the current concerns and issues arising from consideration of the housing needs in the future, particularly for Headcorn and Staplehurst”.


Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Finance and Resources relating to a change to the criterion concerning sites at Headcorn and Staplehurst.


That the proposed change to the criterion relating to strategic issues of sewerage and water affecting sites at Headcorn and Staplehurst be approved as follows:-

“That Cabinet instruct Officers to renew efforts to engage with foul water utility providers and other organisations with responsibility for managing water, including surface water, in the borough concerning future infrastructure provision both to respond to the current concerns and issues arising from consideration of the housing needs in the future, particularly for Headcorn and Staplehurst”.


Duration of Meeting


6.30 p.m. to 8.10 p.m.