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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Meeting Room 1A, Maidstone House, King Street

Contact: Caroline Matthews  01622 602743 Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


It was noted that apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Vizzard.


Notification of Substitute Members


It was noted that Councillor Paterson was substituting for Councillor Vizzard.


Notification of Visiting Members


There were no Visiting Members.



Election of Chairman


RESOLVED: That Councillor Parvin be elected as Chairman for the Municipal Year 2014/15.



Election of Vice-Chairman


RESOLVED: That Councillor Vizzard be elected as Vice-Chairman for the Municipal Year 2014/15.


Disclosures by Members and Officers


There were no disclosures by Members or Officers.



Disclosures of Lobbying


There were no disclosures of lobbying.



Exempt Items


RESOLVED: That the items on the agenda be taken in public as proposed.



Minutes of the Meeting Held on 8 April 2014 pdf icon PDF 39 KB


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 8 April 2014 be approved as a correct record and signed.



Appointment of Political Group Spokespersons


RESOLVED: That the following Group Spokespersons be appointed for the Municipal Year 2014/15:-


Conservative – Councillor Parvin


Liberal Democrat – Councillor English


Independent – Councillor Mrs Gooch



Nominations to Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 70 KB

Additional documents:


The Group considered the report of the Head of Policy and Communication regarding nominations to outside bodies, and the insurance arrangements for Members appointed to Not for Profit Organisations.


It was noted that the position on the Kent Downs AONB Joint Advisory Committee was taken automatically by the Chair of the Mid Kent Downs Steering Group and therefore an appointment was not required.




1.  That Councillor English be appointed as the Council’s representative on the Town Centre Management Board.


2.  That Councillor Round be appointed as the Council’s representative, and Councillor Mrs Wilson be appointed as the Council’s High Street Ward Member representative, on the Town Centre management Liaison Group, and that further nominations be sought for the remaining vacancy.


3.  That Councillor D Mortimer be appointed as the Council’s representative on the Maidstone YMCA, and that further nominations be sought for the remaining vacancy.


4.  That Councillor Mrs Parvin be appointed as the Council’s representative on the Mid Kent Downs Steering Group, with Councillor Ash as substitute member.



5.  That Councillor Round be appointed as the Council’s representative on the K.C.C Youth Advisory Group.


6.  That Councillor Round be appointed as the Council’s representative on Action with Communities in Rural Kent, and that further nominations be sought for the remaining vacancy.


7.  That Councillor’s Harper and Paterson be appointed as the Council’s representatives on the Maidstone Area Arts Partnership.


8.  That Councillor Harper be appointed as the Council’s representative on the Youth and Community Charity.


9.  That Councillor Naghi be appointed as the Council’s representative on the Kent County Playing Fields Association.


10.  That Councillors Ash, Mrs Hinder and Vizzard be appointed as the Council’s representatives on the Maidstone/Beauvais Twinning Association, and that further nominations be sought for the remaining vacancy.


11.  That Councillors Parvin and Round be appointed as the Council’s representatives on the Upper Medway Internal Drainage Board.


12.  That it be noted that the Leader of the Council will continue as the Council’s representative on the Police and Crime Panel.


13.  That it be noted that the Leader of the Council will continue as the Council’s representative on the West Kent Health and Wellbeing Board.


14.  That it be noted that no other nominations have been received for the other vacancies, and that further nominations be sought for these.


15.  That the action being taken by Officers in regard to Members’ insurance cover whilst representing the Council on outside bodies be noted.



Duration of meeting


10.30 a.m. to 11.05 a.m.