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Agenda and decisions

Contact: Jill Lucas  01622 602243

No. Item


Vinters Valley trust - Change to Deed of Trust pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Additional documents:


That the Trustees’ proposal that the Deed of Trust should be amended to incorporate the two following proposals:


1.  ‘residents who live in the area of the park to stand as Trustees, representing Vinters Park Residents Association and Grove Green Community Association, without necessarily being members of the respective associations, provided that the said associations endorse their appointment’


2.  ‘Up to two Trustees, who can provide expertise or specialist skills to benefit the Trust, to be appointed as additional members of the Trustees even if they are not resident in the local vicinity. These shall be in addition to the five Trustees nominated by the ‘Relevant Bodies’ as defined in the Deed of Trust. These appointments to be approved by a quorum of the Trustees’


be approved.