Your collection day may be changing over the Christmas period. Further information can be found on our webpage.
Venue: Maidstone House, King Street, Maidstone
Contact: Committee Services 01622 602899
Urgent Items
There were no urgent items.
Exempt Items
RESOLVED: That the items on the agenda be taken in public as proposed.
Minutes of the meeting held on 19 July 2022 PDF 103 KB
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 19 July 2022 be approved as a correct record and signed.
Carriage Museum Options PDF 171 KB
Additional documents:
That all elements of Option 3 for the future of the Carriage Museum, as set out in the report of the Museums’ Director, be adopted.
RESOLVED: That all elements of Option 3 for the future of the Carriage Museum, as set out in the report of the Museums’ Director, be adopted.
See Record of Decision
Duration of Meeting
12.35 p.m. to 12.40 p.m.