
We want people to have the opportunity to reach their potential and access services that meet their needs. We will enable this through our roles as a community leader, service provider and employer.

Equality objectives

Our equality objectives for 2022-2025 are:

  • as a community leader - To lead by example, to ensure every individual resident is connected and supported
  • as a service provider - To deliver inclusive services in accordance with our values
  • as an employer - To lead a diverse and inclusive workforce that is reflective of the borough of Maidstone where residents and colleagues feel safe, confident, and empowered to challenge and bring about change

Equality information

Under the Equality Act (2010) we are required to publish information to show how we comply with the public sector equality duty.

Equality Advisory and Support Service

The Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS) is a national advice and support helpline for individuals who have experienced incidents of discrimination. More information is available on their website.

Equality impact assessment