Decision details

Response to Vision for Kent Consultation

Decision Maker: Cabinet.

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider the proposed response to the Vision for Kent Consultation.



That the response to the Vision for Kent Consultation set out at Appendix A to the joint report of the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive be approved.



Reasons for the decision:


The Vision for Kent has been drafted by the Kent Forum, a partnership of all councils across Kent. The Vision is an overarching statement of priorities for the County for the next ten years (as set out at Appendix B to the joint report of the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive). The priorities have been grouped under three ambitions for the County of Kent:


1.  Grow the Kent Economy

2.  Tackle Disadvantage

3.  Put the citizen in control


Maidstone Borough Council has set the following priorities:


1.  For Maidstone to have a growing economy

2.  For Maidstone to be a decent place to live

3.  Corporate and Customer Excellence

There is clearly alignment between the Vision for Kent and Maidstone Borough Council’s priorities; in broad terms the Council supports the ambitions for Kent as set out in the vision. Kent is seeking to support business, improve skills and ensure that there are good jobs and provide apprenticeships and training.  This concurs with Maidstone Borough Council’s priority outcome; to have a growing economy with rising employment and a commitment to economic development. The priority to tackle disadvantage in Kent is mirrored by the outcome Maidstone Borough Council is seeking on reducing deprivation.  The third priority compliments the Council’s commitment to corporate and customer excellence and service design principles to put the customer first.


It has been identified that the ambitions will be delivered through three Ambition Boards - multi agency groups focused on addressing the vision for Kent. Maidstone plays a role on two of the ambition boards; the Chief Executive on the Tackling Disadvantage Ambition Board and the Leader on the Grow the Kent Economy Ambition Board.


The consultation has outlined 6 questions to be responded to; these are concerned with identifying the top two actions to achieve each ambition and then a general question for each ambition on further work that could be carried out. The suggested response (as set out at Appendix A to the report of the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive) takes into account the Council’s own Strategic Plan and corporate priorities and outcomes.



Alternative options considered:

The Cabinet could choose not to respond to the consultation, however this would mean missing the opportunity to further inform the vision for the County and represent the views of Maidstone residents.


Details of the Committee: None

Contact: Angela Woodhouse, Director of Strategy, Insight & Governance Email: Tel: 01622 602620.

Report author: Angela Woodhouse

Publication date: 10/08/2011

Date of decision: 10/08/2011

Decided: 10/08/2011 - Cabinet.

Effective from: 19/08/2011

Accompanying Documents: