Decision details

Park Ranger's Progress Report

Decision Maker: Cobtree Manor Estate Charity Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider a progress report on the work of the Park Ranger at Cobtree Manor Park; to endorse the proposed programme of events for the coming year and an increase in the number of leaflets printed to publicise events; and to make provision in the estimates for 2012/13 for the engagement of external event leaders and the design and printing of the events leaflet.



1.  That the work undertaken by the Park Ranger and the future work planned, as set out in Appendix A to the report of the Assistant Director of Environment and Regulatory Services, be noted.


2.  That the draft programme of events for the coming year, as set out in Appendix B to the report of the Assistant Director of Environment and Regulatory Services, be endorsed and that the sum of £2,200 be included in the estimates for 2012/13 to cover the cost of engaging external event leaders.


3.  That the number of leaflets detailing events be increased from 2,000 to 3,000 for 2012 and that the sum of £450 be included in the estimates for 2012/13 to cover the cost of design and printing.


Reasons for the decision:

The Committee has agreed that the Park Ranger should provide a progress report on her activities to each meeting.  The progress report for the period October – December 2011 is attached as Appendix A to the report of the Assistant Director of Environment and Regulatory Services.


The draft programme of events for the coming year, which builds on the success of last year’s programme, is set out in Appendix B to the report. Funding is required to cover the cost of engaging external event leaders.


The Park Ranger has asked that the number of leaflets detailing events be increased from 2,000 in 2011 to 3,000 for 2012.  This is because the supply ran out in the early autumn of 2011.  The leaflet also contains a map of the Park and is useful for general Park visitors.  The success of the events programme in 2011 is also likely to result in an increase in the demand for leaflets in 2012.


Alternative options considered:

No alternative actions are considered appropriate as the activities of the Park Ranger directly support the achievement of the Charity’s objectives.


Wards Affected: Boxley Ward;

Details of the Committee: Cobtree Manor Park Management Plan.

Contact: Joanna Joyce Email:

Report author: Joanna Joyce

Publication date: 13/01/2012

Date of decision: 11/01/2012

Decided: 11/01/2012 - Cobtree Manor Estate Charity Committee

Effective from: 21/01/2012

Accompanying Documents: