Committee details

Communities, Housing and Environment Committee

Purpose of committee

Membership: 9 Councillors


Purpose: To take the lead within the Council for ensuring that the Council delivers its strategic objectives with regard to Communities, Housing and the Environment; to ensure inclusive and productive community engagement, Public Health, licensing, housing, other community services and to be the Council’s Crime and Disorder Committee. Furthermore this Committee is responsible for parks, green spaces, biodiversity, the crematorium and cemetery.


Strategic Plan Objective:  Homes and Communities


·  A diverse range of community activities is encouraged

·  Existing housing is safe, desirable and promotes good health and well being

·  Homelessness and rough sleeping are prevented

·  Community facilities and services in the right place at the right time to support communities


Strategic Plan Objective: Safe, Clean and Green

·  People feel safe and are safe

·  A Borough that is recognised as clean and well cared for by everyone

·  An environmentally attractive and sustainable Borough

·  Everyone has access to high quality parks and green spaces


Contact information

Support officer: Lara Banks. 01622 602033