Agenda item

Matters Arising from the Minutes (Part I) of the Meeting Held on 28 November 2011


(1)  Minute 57 – Appointment of Independent Member of the Audit Committee


In response to a question by a Member, the Head of Finance and Customer Services updated the Committee on the efforts being made to recruit an Independent Member of the Audit Committee.  It was noted that the position had been advertised with a formal role description and person specification, but only one application had been received.  At the request of the previous Chairman of the Committee, the position had been re-advertised, but no further applications had been received.  The Chamber of Commerce had been asked to put forward nominations, and a response was awaited.  However, an Independent Member of another Committee of the Council had expressed an interest in the position, and the person who had responded to the first advertisement had been asked whether they were still interested.


It was suggested that in addition, neighbouring authorities should be approached to ascertain whether appropriately qualified retired members of staff might be interested in the position.  Also local accountancy firms should be approached to find out whether any of their employees might be interested in the appointment.




1.  That the position be noted.


2.  That in addition to the expressions of interest received to date, the Head of Finance and Customer Services should approach (a) neighbouring authorities to ascertain whether appropriately qualified retired members of staff might be interested in being appointed as an Independent Member of the Audit Committee and (b) local accountancy firms to find out whether any of their employees might be interested in the position.


(2)  Minute 58 – Internal Audit – Six Monthly Interim Report – Limited Levels of Control Assurance


  In response to concerns expressed by a Member about the number of audit reviews which had identified that a limited level of control assurance was in place at the time of the audit, the Head of Audit Partnership agreed that the number of limited levels of control assurance was higher than usual.  However, the list of audit projects which had been completed during the six month period had not included the Council’s main financial systems.  The service areas where limited levels of control assurance were identified were one-off areas where controls (not necessarily financial) needed to be improved.  There was no particular connection except they were mostly service areas which were slightly remote to the main Council offices (for example, the Cemetery and Crematorium and the Museum).  A follow up to each report was completed usually three to six months after the date of issue of the original report.  The follow-up allowed the adequacy of controls to be reassessed, and Management was expected to have taken the necessary action to address the control weaknesses before the follow-up was undertaken.  An update on the follow-ups could be reported to the next meeting to reassure Members that improvements were being made.


  RESOLVED:  That the Head of Audit Partnership should submit a report to the next meeting updating Members on the follow-up reviews being undertaken in respect of the six service areas where a limited level of control assurance was identified at the time of the audit.


(3)  Minute 58 – Internal Audit – Six Monthly Interim Report – Control of Capital Projects


  In response to a question by a Member, the Director of Regeneration and Communities updated the Committee on the High Street regeneration project and the project management arrangements.  She explained that she was a member of the project management board and was able to assure Members that in terms of cost and schedule, the project was running according to plan and was within budget.  The project board met on a monthly basis to review the programme of work and the budget (actual to date and committed) and very robust contract oversight arrangements were in place.  On- site project management included liaison with the various utility services and stakeholder meetings, organised by the Council and Maidstone Town Centre Management, were held regularly.




  1.  That the position be noted.


2.  That a progress report on the High Street regeneration project and the project management arrangements should be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee.