Agenda item

Use of 2012/13 Revenue Underspend

Interviews with Councillor Chris Garland, Leader of the Council and Paul Riley, Head of Finance and Resources.


Having disclosed Other Significant Interests, the Chairman and Councillors D Mortimer, Nelson-Gracie and Pickett left the room when this item was discussed.


The Vice-Chairman, Councillor Mrs Grigg, took the chair.


Councillors Black and Cuming said that whilst they had put forward proposals for the use of the resources, they did not have disclosable interests in the projects (items 12 - Gatland Park Skateboard Area and 40 - Support for the River Festival).  The Head of Finance and Resources advised the Committee that item 40 could be deleted as the event had taken place.


Councillor Garland, the Leader of the Council, said that he shared the concerns expressed about the requirements in relation to the disclosure of interests as the Committee was not a decision making body.  The intention had been to involve as many Members as possible in the debate.  He suggested that the Committee consider including a review of this aspect of the ethical standards regime in its work programme.


Councillor Garland then introduced the report of the Head of Finance and Resources setting out details of proposals submitted by Members and Officers for the use of the 2012/13 revenue underspend and the balance of the un-used underspend from 2011/12 with a view to the Committee making recommendations to him as to the use of these resources.  He said that it was very difficult to plan for either an underspend or an overspend.  The resources could remain in balances, but it was considered that they should be put to good use to benefit the community.


The Head of Finance and Resources advised the Committee that a revenue underspend of £0.275m had been reported for 2012/13 which combined with the balance unused from 2011/12 (£0.283m) had resulted in £0.558m being available for use whilst leaving an adequate level of balances.  Proposals totalling £2.3m had been received and these had been evaluated against specific criteria intended to support the decent place to live priority, demonstrate community/neighbourhood level involvement and engagement and provide a sustainable local environmental benefit or improvement.


The Committee considered the bids page by page.  During the discussion, reference was made to the following:


·  Lobbying material had been received in support of the provision of skateboard ramps at Gatland Park.


·  A report would be considered by the Planning Committee regarding the proposed Heads of Terms of a S106 agreement to secure contributions to mitigate the impact of application MA/12/2314 on the town centre with the monies being used towards public realm improvement projects in the town centre and to fund the programme of the Maidstone Town Team.  The outcome would affect the view taken on items 16 (Environmental Improvements at Gabriels Hill) and 17 (Maidstone Town Team - Ongoing Funding for 24 Months).


·  There was a possibility that a S106 contribution had been secured to fund improvements to the River Medway towpath (item 34).


It was suggested that:


·    With regard to item 15 (Crematorium Access Gates), there should be a further assessment of the need taking into account increased income from the facility.


·    With regard to item 23 (Christmas Light Improvements), a view should be taken on the preferred option having regard to the differential in the technical costs of options 1 and 2 and the potential availability of additional resources contingent on the completion of the S106 agreement relating to MA/12/2314.


·    In the event of item 17 going forward, the Leader of the Council should take a view on the inclusion of taxi marshalling at an additional cost of £10,000, in the interests of safety.


·  If, following investigation, it is found that item 12 (Gatland Park Skateboard Area) is not to be funded from the Play Area Capital Programme, the Leader of the Council should take a view on this project going forward with funding from the underspends.


·  Given its importance, the Leader of the Council should take a view on item 36 (Private Sector Housing - Stock Modelling) going forward with funding from the underspends.


·  When considering the proposals, the Leader of the Council should have regard to the fact that the land referred to in item 27 (Land Acquisition - Loose Valley Conservation Society) may not be available in future.


·  When considering the proposals, the Leader of the Council should have regard to the ongoing commitment to the projects and possible exit arrangements.


·  The Head of Finance and Resources should group connected proposals in future reports.




(a)  That the report be noted;


(b)  That all proposed awards in column L of Appendix A to the report of the Head of Finance and Resources be recommended to the Leader of the Council for funding from the revenue underspend 2012/13 and the balance of the unused underspend from 2011/12 subject to the following:


(i)  Item 15 (Crematorium Access Gates) - A further assessment of the need taking into account increased income from the facility;


(ii)  Items 16 (Environmental Improvements at Gabriels Hill) and 17 (Maidstone Town Team - Ongoing Funding for 24 Months) - The deletion of these items if funding is secured through the completion of a S106 agreement to mitigate the impact of application MA/12/2314 on the town centre with the monies being used towards public realm improvement projects in the town centre and to fund the programme of the Maidstone Town Team;


(iii)  Item 23 (Christmas Light Improvements) - A view being taken on the preferred option having regard to the differential in the technical costs of options 1 and 2 and the potential availability of additional resources contingent on the completion of the S106 agreement referred to above; and


(iv)  Item 34 (River Medway Towpath Improvements) - The deletion of this item if it is found that a S106 contribution has been secured for this work.


(c)  That in the event of item 17 going forward, the Leader of the Council be recommended to take a view on the inclusion of taxi marshalling at an additional cost of £10,000, in the interests of safety;


(d)  That if, following investigation, it is found that item 12 (Gatland Park Skateboard Area) is not to be funded from the Play Area Capital Programme, the Leader of the Council be recommended to take a view on this project going forward with funding from the underspends;


(e)  That given its importance, the Leader of the Council be recommended to take a view on item 36 (Private Sector Housing - Stock Modelling) going forward with funding from the underspends;


(f)  That when considering the proposals, the Leader of the Council be recommended to have regard to the fact that the land referred to in item 27 (Land Acquisition - Loose Valley Conservation Society) may not be available in future;


(g)  That when considering the proposals, the Leader of the Council be recommended to have regard to the ongoing commitment to the projects and possible exit arrangements; and


(h)  That the Head of Finance and Resources be recommended to group connected proposals in future reports.


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