Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Function Report.


The Chief Executive, David Petford, stated that he was disappointed that the Overview and Scrutiny Function Report had not analysed the cost of the service, as it was important that Members were satisfied that the service provided value for money.  The Council aimed to provide top quartile performance at low quartile costs for as many services as possible, and the scrutiny service needed to be looked at in this light.  A benchmarking exercise should also be undertaken to identify how the cost and performance of the service compared to other authorities.


Members agreed that this issue had been overlooked in the report and consequently agreed to remove recommendation (ll), “that the level of dedicated officer support for overview and scrutiny remain at its current level of 2.4 FTE officers” from the report; a further review of the cost of the service, to include benchmarking, the number of officer hours dedicated to overview and scrutiny, and the exact type and level of support required, would be carried out over the coming months to inform the budget setting process in 2010-11. It was agreed that whilst the function was subject to review the recruitment process should continue.


A Councillor identified that recruitment was taking place for a junior, rather than a senior, officer and expressed concern over this.  A copy of the job advertisement was requested.  In response to a question, Mrs Woodhouse advised that the advertisement stated that the position was paid at Grade 7-9; training would be provided to the successful applicant; and a wide variety of topics would be investigated by the committees with the help of the successful applicant.  It was expected that Esther Bell, Overview and Scrutiny Officer, would support the Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee as she had 2 years experience in the section.  Mrs Woodhouse would also provide support where required.


The Committee then discussed the recommendations within the report and agreed them subject to the following amendments:


·  Recommendation (q): first sentence be amended to: “opportunities to hold meetings across the borough should be actively sought where appropriate”;

·  Recommendation (ee): amended to “councillors calling in a decision must submit a written statement at least 24 hours prior to the meeting if there is significant background or technical information to be considered”;

·  Recommendation (ee): also add the recommendation “councillors calling in a decision can take part in the debate as non-voting members of the committee”; and

·  Recommendation (oo): amended to “group leaders must take overall responsibility for their party members fulfilling their roles and responsibilities on overview and scrutiny committees”.


With regard to Members fulfilling their roles and responsibilities on overview and scrutiny committees, a Councillor highlighted the value of annual reports to ensure that Councillors were held to account.  The Senior Overview and Scrutiny Officer advised that the General Purposes Committee had considered the use of annual reports, and she would look into the decision taken by that committee.


Resolved:  That


a)  A review of the cost of the overview and scrutiny service, to include staffing levels, benchmarking and the type and level of support required, be undertaken to inform the budget setting process in 2010-11;

b)  A copy of the advertisement for the Overview and Scrutiny Officer position be forwarded to the Committee;

c)  The Committee be informed of the decision of the General Purposes Committee with regard to annual reports for Members;

d)  The Overview and Scrutiny Function Report be approved subject to the following amendments:

  i.  The removal of recommendation (ll);

  ii.  Recommendation (q): first sentence be amended to: “opportunities to hold meetings across the borough should be actively sought where appropriate”;

  iii.  Recommendation (ee): amend to “councillors calling in a decision must submit a written statement at least 24 hours prior to the meeting if there is significant background or technical information to be considered”;

  iv.  Recommendation (ee): also add the recommendation “councillors calling in a decision can take part in the debate as non-voting members of the committee”; and

  v.  Recommendation (oo): amend to “group leaders must take overall responsibility for their party members fulfilling their roles and responsibilities on overview and scrutiny committees”.


e)  The recommendations within the Overview and Scrutiny Function report for which the Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee is responsible be approved, subject to the amendments outlined at recommendation (d).


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