Agenda item

Maidstone Integrated Transport Package


The Major Projects Team Project Manager introduced the report.


The A249 Bearsted Road Major Infrastructure Project was initially due to commence in August 2022, however the main construction works were now expected to commence in January 2023. This was due to delays in finalising the detailed design, which impacted the discharge of pre-commencement planning conditions. MBC had submitted a bid for funding for capacity improvements at J7 of the M20, alongside which KCC had applied for Strategic CIL funds, should MBC’s bid be unsuccessful. 


The A20 Coldharbour Roundabout / A20 London Road – Hall Road scheme procurement process had been deferred following delays to the commencement of the Bearsted Road scheme. It was expected that works would commence in September 2023, and would be carried out over nine to twelve months.


The A229 Loose Road Corridor Scheme would comprise four separate junction improvements. The junction with the A274 Sutton Road (Wheatsheaf junction) had seen the first phase of the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and responses to the consultation were being collated. Of the 96 representations received, 73 were against the TRO, the majority of which were from the local community rather than those using the junction. However there had been an overall improvement in traffic flow and it was expected that the traffic data would show capacity benefits. The second phase of the scheme would be carried out between Spring 2023 and Spring 2024, and would include the demolition of the pub and construction of the new junction.


The A229 Loose Road junction with Armstrong Road / Park Way works were expected to be completed prior to Christmas 2022.


The A229 Loose Road junction with Sheals Crescent works would be delayed to allow the impact of the Armstrong Road / Park Way works to be assessed.


The A229 Loose Road junction with Cripple Street / Boughton Lane works remained the same as reported to the August meeting of the Board.


The A20 Ashford Road junction with Willington Street works would need to be coordinated with the completion of the A249 Bearsted Road project, and the Wheatsheaf improvement scheme. It was expected that the works would be delivered after January 2024.


The A26 Tonbridge Road junction with Fountain Lane scheme remained the same as reported to the August meeting of the Board.


The A274 Sutton Road junction with Willington Street scheme would be delivered at the end of the programme, in order that the delivery of projects with funding constraints be prioritised.


In response to questions, the Major Projects Team Project Manager acknowledged that the disruption caused by junction improvement works would be a continuing problem. A team was in place to coordinate the programme of works, however when emergencies happen, there would be an impact on road users. The delay in delivering half bus laybys at the Loose Road junction with Cripple Street was due to the location of utilities, which would need to be diverted if the carriageway was widened. A report would be presented to the Board so Members would have an opportunity to feedback on that item once costs and benefits had been fully considered.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.


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