Agenda item

Biodiversity and Climate Change Action Plan Update and Cost for Achieving Net Zero 2030


Prior to the introduction of the report, the Chairman advised the Committee that references to achieving net zero by 2023 for the Council’s operations should be amended to read by 2030.


Councillor Perry, the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, introduced the report on the implementation of the Biodiversity and Climate Change Action Plan explaining that:


·  The report provided updates on the progress of actions, details of the Council’s carbon footprint and the estimated costs of achieving net zero emissions by 2030 for the Council’s own operations.


·  The report suggested retrofitting specific buildings, gradual transition to electric vehicles, maximising solar energy generation and exploring off-setting options. 


·  A priority area was the decarbonisation of Council properties.  The Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme had been announced and could be a potential source of funding.  The deadline for the receipt of bids was not known yet, but last year was in September.  The Committee was asked to recommend to the Cabinet that delegated authority be given to the Biodiversity and Climate Change Manager to submit a bid to the Scheme for funding to facilitate decarbonisation of key Council properties.


During the discussion reference was made to the following, which the Cabinet Member/Officers undertook to consider:


·  The need when conducting the Borough Climate Impact Assessment to address flooding issues in the urban part of the town as well as the parish areas.


·  The need when reviewing the Council’s non-operational land to assess the potential for enhancing biodiversity to quantify the area in order to add context.


·  The need to encourage more flexible working to reduce the Council’s carbon footprint.


·  The need to monitor and measure performance in delivery of the Action Plan and to see detailed costs and the updated Capital Programme, to reflect the allocation of capital funding to support the plan. Further information was required about what had been achieved to date, costs and savings, how long it would take to complete the Action Plan at the current rate of progress, to what extent would increasing staff resources speed up delivery, the scope for efficiencies through Borough and County Council co-operation and the identification of priority items.  This would inform the development of key performance indicators to measure progress against targets with RAG ratings.


Concerns were expressed about the lack of progress to date in achieving net zero for the Council’s operations by 2030 and whether timescales should be brought forward, targets reduced or more resources applied. It was suggested that consideration should be given to expediting selectively implementation of the Action Plan by, for example, prioritising actions under the Council’s control and which generate outcomes that facilitate the remainder.




1.  That the Action Plan implementation updates and indicative costs of achieving net zero by 2030 for the Council’s operations be noted and that implementation of the Action Plan be expedited selectively.


2.  That delegated authority be given to the Biodiversity and Climate Change Manager to submit a bid to the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme for funding to facilitate decarbonisation of key Council properties.


Note:  Councillor Cannon entered the meeting during consideration of this item (6.50 p.m.).


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