Agenda item

Review of Hotfoot Scheme

Interview with:


·  Jim Boot, Community Development Manager; and

·  Kate Pomphrey, Sports and Play Development Officer


The Chairman welcomed Miss Kate Pomphrey, Community Development Officer and Mr Jim Boot, Community Development Manager to the meeting, and invited them to present the report.


Kate Pomphrey summarised the report stating that the scheme had been a success as demonstrated by the 98 percent uptake and reduced cost of the scheme. The reduction in cost was a result of an increase in the income and a reduction in expenditure, as the sites were smaller. This year the scheme had benefited from ‘Your Choice’ funding from Kent County Council as well as the funds given from ‘Councillors’ devolved budgets.


Jim Boot stated that as the new manager for the Community Development Team he had been impressed by the team’s hard work and he highlighted that the scheme had many benefits including the children being able to learn about healthy eating, interacting with Police Community Support Officers, promoting social cohesion, and the opportunity to participate in sporting activities.


In answer to a question Miss Pomphrey informed Members that the sites used had changed, as the Sandling School site was not available the venue had been changed to St Paul’s. It was explained that the change of one venue had not made any major change or impact on the scheme, as St Paul’s had proved to be equally popular. In relation to Ofsted inspections it was explained that they had expected three inspections, however as these had not been carried out they would expect inspections in 2011.


The Committee noted that the report showed 100 percent attendance at some sites, and asked if this could have been more, should the facilities have been able to cater for more people. Miss Pomphrey stated that they were not aware of having to turn people away. The Committee congratulated the team on the effective management of the scheme.


Miss Pomphrey informed Members that vulnerable children’s places on the scheme were funded from a number of sources including Social Services and Your Choice funding. It was explained to the Committee that the team was continuously looking at how they could reduce costs and secure funding to support the scheme. Staff time has been and will continue to be reduced - both in relation to the management of the scheme and in the support provided from HR through improved recruitment processes. If was highlighted that social services supported the scheme as it provided places for children during the school holidays. The Community Development Manager said that it was an affordable scheme for most parents, which offered good value however they were looking for efficiencies, and alternative options for the scheme including external providers. It was noted that this had not been identified as providing better value for money. The Committee requested that both the social and economic benefits of the scheme be made clear.


The Committee noted that the Council funded 8 community play schemes and spot checks were carried out accordingly. The Community Development Team was in the process of reviewing these schemes and informed the Members that this information would be circulated to the Committee once finalised.


Jennifer Fairfax from Staplehurst Parish Council addressed the Committee in relation to the Staplehurst Community Play Scheme. Councillor Fairfax thanked the Community Development Team for their support and hard work. It was highlighted that the Staplehurst Scheme had been run externally and not by the Parish Clerk. Councillor Fairfax stated that the parish council was concerned that the scheme’s funding may be cut next year and requested notice from the Council as to its intentions for future funding.



Resolved:  That the Community Development team be thanked for their   work and it be recommended that: 


a)  Additional information be provided on the community play schemes funded by the Council, including the funding and attendance statistics;

b)  The Cabinet Member be requested to comment on whether funding will be available for community play schemes in the future; and

c)  The Community Development Team review the report to ensure it contains clear and also specific information on the social and economic value of community play schemes.


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