Agenda item

Demographic & Transport Data Check

Interview with;


Michael Thornton, Head of Spatial Planning;

Darren Bridgett, Principle Planning Officer (Policy); and

Peter Rosevear, Partnership Officer - Kent Highways Services.


The Chairman welcomed Mr Darren Bridgett, Principal Planning Officer (Policy) and Mrs Flo Churchill, Interim Head of Core Strategy Development

to the meeting, and invited them to present the report.


Mr Bridgett presented his report to the Committee highlighting the three sets of projections as mentioned projections as mentioned on page 13 of the agenda. In answer to a question Mr Bridgett informed the Committee that the figures are updated as soon as the information is available, enabling the calculations to be as accurate as possible.  It was not clear if any trends had been spotted over a period of time, but that accuracy had been maintained. In response to a request Mr Bridgett agreed to circulate an example of the calculation used to improve Members understanding. The Committee also enquired if further information was available regarding the variance between the expected and delivered housing rates. Mr Bridgett confirmed that this information would be available via Kent County Council and agreed to circulate this to the Committee.


The Committee asked how robust the decision was when it was based on statistics alone. Mr Bridgett informed the Committee that it was difficult to include all of the other factors involved, however the Economic Development Strategy and Employment Land Review was being updated which played a major part in the process. In time, the 2011 Census information would be used as part of the calculations. However this information will begin to be released over a two year period starting the end of 2011, after the Core Strategy document has been through the publication consultation (regulation 27).


The Committee enquired about the information used in the calculation, and gave examples of the ‘Travel to Work’ scheme and Eastern European seasonal workers.  Mr Bridgett informed the Committee that both permanent and seasonal workers may not have been included, and that the travel to work statistics comparing Maidstone to the South East and National figures would need to be clarified. The Committee agreed that this should be presented to the Committee within this municipal year.


Mrs Churchill, gave a presentation to the Committee on the transport data (attached at Appendix A).


Ms Churchill informed the Committee that although Jacobs had been commissioned to address any transport issues raised, this was at a cost of £10,000 per model which took four weeks to complete. She highlighted that there are two types of modelling used, Strategic-level transport model (e.g. the Core Strategy) and the Site-level transport model (this is much more detailed, but due of the level of detail, this will not work over a wider area such as the entire borough).

In answer to a question Ms Churchill stated that they would look at ways to reduce parking within the Borough to encourage cycling and walking, and that there is no policy in place to support this, although it is stated in Government Guidance. Ms Churchill confirmed that a previous model will be used as an example for the workshop scheduled for Thursday 3 March 2011. All Members would be invited to attend the work shop in order to fully understand the process.


Resolved:  That the officers be thanked for the information and it be recommended that: 


a)  Mr Bridgett liaises with the Overview and Scrutiny Officer to ensure the appropriate spreadsheet containing an example of how calculations are used is circulated to the Committee;

b)  Information regarding the variance between the expected and delivered housing rates be obtained and circulated to Members during this Municipal Year;

c)  Travel to work statistics comparing Maidstone to the South East and National figures would be clarified and circulated to Members; and

d)  Clarification on the Eastern European seasonal workers statistics be circulated to Members.


Supporting documents: