Agenda item

Rural Economy

Interview with Elaine Collins, Network of Rural Business Forums Chairman.


The Chairman informed the Committee that Mrs Collins, Chairman for the Network of Rural Business Forums (NRBF) had sent her apologies as unforeseen travel commitments had prevented her from attending. The Committee stated they would appreciate Mrs Collins’ views on the topic in a written response. The Vice Chairman for Marden Business Forum (MBF), Councillor Burton would answer any questions he was able in the meeting.


The Committee was informed by Councillor Burton that the website for the MBF was managed by members of the forum, primarily on a volunteer basis which had since received monetary contributions via the membership fee.


Councillor Burton explained that the forum is fiercely independent, however they recognised that working with other forums would provide strength for all forums connected and would place the forum in a strong position to make the most of the opportunities presented by the Big Society agenda. In answer to a question Councillor Burton confirmed they do have a constitution which stipulates a one member company, one member vote system, allowing businesses of all sizes to have an equal ratio of representation within the forum.


The support received from the Council was evident in the collaboration to promote the NRBF within Downs Mail, which had been effective.


Councillor Burton offered to give the Committee information regarding the Marden Business Forum MBF for which he is the Vice-Chairman as a means to expand on how forums work. The Committee heard that the MBF was created in response to a Kent County Council (KCC) proposal to install a roundabout in the village which would interfere with local traders road usage. As a community of traders, they collaborated their skills and knowledge to petition against the roundabout proposal, which proved successful.  This led them to believe that a network of businesses traders would be valuable.  The Parish boundary was used as a boundary for members, they achieved a membership of 130 businesses out of a possible 200, employing 2500 people collectively.  The MBF had created a training programme that allowed one company at a time to apply for a grant via the Skills South East. They would then distribute the training within the MBF members accordingly, using their own skilled trainers.


The Committee enquired how many people come to the meetings, and whether it was open to the public. Councillor Burton confirmed that the meetings were not open to the public; however they were open to all Members and network events that took place four times a year received between 40 and 100 people, depending on the season. Annually there were one or two exceptions who did not renew their membership, but they retained as close to 100% as thought possible.


In response to a question, Councillor Burton informed the Committee that although he personally believed it had been successful, there was a danger of it becoming stagnant in response to this they occasionally meet with other forums to cross-fertilize ideas, whilst each forum remained distinctly local.


Resolved:  That Councillor Burton be thanked for the information and it be recommended that the Overview and Scrutiny Officer send the questions to Mrs Collins, for an urgent written response.


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