Agenda item

Corporate Improvement Plan Update

Interview with Ellie Kershaw, Policy and Performance Manager


The Committee welcomed Ellie Kershaw, Policy and Performance Manager back for the next item on the agenda, the Corporate Improvement Plan Update.


The Officer explained that this was an update on the actions within the Corporate Improvement Plan that would be going to Cabinet and advised the Committee that any recommendation made would be added to the report.


Miss Kershaw informed the Committee that 14 of the actions in the plan had been completed since the last report, with five outstanding.  She explained that it was a living document that could be added to when relevant, such as following inspections.  Although there had been no inspections recently, Members were told that there were two Peer reviews planned in 2012, a Planning review and a corporate review and actions would be added to the plan as a result of these. The Committee were also informed that the Council had retained the Investors in People accreditation and there would be actions to follow as a result of this.  The Officer explained that Cabinet away days focused on priority setting around ‘Corporate and Customer Excellence’ and as a result also generated actions for the plan.


The Committee questioned CIP 019.01 ‘Hold focus groups to explore how people want to be engaged and develop a robust plan to deliver this’.  Members felt that this action lacked meaning and should be reworded to provide clarity.


Members discussed project management and it was felt there was a need for a Senior Officer in this role.  They discussed various project management roles that they were aware of with the authority, including a role at the Museum, the High Street regeneration project as well as highlighting past problems with Millennium Park. The Committee aired their concern over possible duplication in officer roles occurring. It was felt that the responsibility for project management role was vital given the level of financial investment.  They felt that that it was an in-house skill that was lacking and suggested that it would be a suitable topic for a Scrutiny review with a focus on offering best value in this area as a Council.


Members questioned the actions relating to Learning and Development and equality issues for staff.  It was felt that these were vitally important but wanted clarification on how the Learning and Development team ensured that all staff were completing these courses within the target dates set.  Miss Kershaw advised that Tina Edwards, Learning and Development Manager, would be able to advise on this area.


The Committee thanked the officer for attending the meeting.


It was resolved that:


a)  The following action: CIP 019.01 ‘hold focus groups to explore how people want to be engaged and develop a robust plan to deliver this’ should be reworded to form a more meaningful target and to clearly identify the purpose.  Ellie Kershaw, Policy and Performance Manager and the Scrutiny Officer should  formalise the Committee’s suggested rewording: ‘to explore methods in which to engage with the public for consultation purposes and develop a robust plan to deliver this’ for the Officer to take to Cabinet on 14 September; and


b)  The Scrutiny Officer should investigate with Tina Edwards, Learning and Development Manager, the methods in place to ensure staff are completing the training actions detailed in the Corporate Improvement Plan and report back to the Committee.


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