Agenda item

Quarter 1 Complaints Report

Interview with Ellie Kershaw, Policy and Performance Manager.


Miss Kershaw remained to discuss the next item on the agenda, the Quarter 1 Complaints report.  The Officer explained that complaints answered within the statutory timescale of 10 days were down on the previous year.  She informed the Committee that with regards to Housing issues where the department exceeded 10 days, contact was maintained with the customer.  In relation to the previous quarter, the Committee was informed that Housing were performing better and that they had appointed a dedicated complaints officer within the team. The Officer explained that services that affected everyone in the borough such as Council Tax and Waste and Recycling were expected to generate the highest numbers of complaints. 


Members raised questions surrounding the litter enforcement team who operate in the Town Centre issuing penalty fines to those caught dropping litter in the street. It was felt that their ‘combat style’ uniform was intimidating.  The Committee were updated on these issues by Miss Kershaw who informed them that new uniforms were being issued and the team would also be carrying cameras that would monitor the ways in which litter enforcement cases were dealt with.  Members were assured that any complaints received regarding the team were investigated and further training was provided where required. 


The Committee was informed that complaints customer surveys were now sent out monthly rather than quarterly to help improve and monitor the complaints process and feedback would be given to the team concerned.  Complaints could also be escalated to a Stage 2 complaint and these would be dealt with by Paul Fisher, Head of Corporate Law and Legal Services.  Miss Kershaw told the Committee that most of the recommendations made by the Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee with regards to the Complaint Policy had been implemented.  Work to improve the web pages, making them more accessible for customers was in progress.

Members were informed that as a result of customer feedback via the complaints process it had been established that the withdrawal of Council Tax payment slips had proved too hasty a decision for many customers.  The lesson learnt for the Council was to provide more public consultation for policy issues.


Miss Kershaw brought the ombudsman‘s report to the attention of the Committee, explaining that it had been considerably shorter this year than last year which was a positive reflection of the Council’s work in dealing with complaints as full reports were only sent to Council’s with a high level of complaints.


Council Tax and the outsourcing of letters, primarily the Single Person’s Discount review form was discussed. The Committee felt that overall this action had proved its financial viability to the council but had initially generated a large number of complaints due to the content of the letter and the manner in which residents were asked for information.  It was felt that it was extremely important that language used in letters was accessible to all residents. The Committee also discussed Benefits letters which they cited as particularly problematic.  They felt that they were difficult to understand and the problem was exasperated by the lack of national guidance offered.  The Officer explained that a letter writing course was being offered to those in charge of letter writing and the use of plain English was encouraged across the council.


In response to a suggestion that had been made by a satisfied customer, the Committee discussed offering an award to staff who were responsible for turning around difficult complaints on behalf of the customer.  Members were informed that there was currently no protocol or criteria in place to allow this to happen.


It was resolved that:


a)  The contents of the complaints report and the ombudsman‘s report be noted by the Committee; and


b)  Steve McGinnes, Head of Benefits and Council Tax should be invited to discuss the accessibility of Council tax and Benefits letters to residents.


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