Committee attendance

Earlier - Later
Communities, Housing and Environment Committee, 5 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Mrs Denise Joy 5
Councillor Eddie Powell 1
Councillor John Perry 2
Councillor Mrs Cynthia Robertson 0
Councillor Matthew Burton 0
Councillor Alan Bartlett 2
Councillor Daniel Rose 5
Councillor Jonathan Purle 4
Councillor Ashleigh Kimmance 1
Councillor Wendy Young 5
Councillor Dinesh Khadka 1
Councillor Margaret Rose 5
Councillor Lewis McKenna 4
Councillor Derek Mortimer 5
Councillor Mrs Val Springett 1
Councillor Steve Munford 2
Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Clive English 2
Councillor Brian Clark 3
Councillor Patrik Garten 4
Councillor Denis Spooner 4
Councillor Lottie Parfitt 2
Councillor Malcolm McKay 4
Councillor Ashleigh Kimmance 1
Councillor Claudine Russell 2
Councillor Simon Webb 1
Councillor Paul Cooper 2
Councillor David Burton 2
Councillor Mrs Val Springett 1
Councillor Susan Grigg 4
Councillor Steve Munford 4