Issue - decisions
Granada House Refurbishment
30/10/2023 - Granada House Refurbishment
the following be agreed:
The proposed
refurbishment works to Granada House up to a maximum cost of
(See figure A in Exempt Appendix), with it noted that the
revised net Total Scheme Cost, as a result
of the grant monies now being available, will still be
within the previous approval;
2. To enter into a contract with the preferred contractor to carry out the refurbishment works to GranadaHouse;
3. A) Officers explore fully with Pelling’s (the appointed Employers Agent) and the appointed Contractor the merits of providing solar PV to the property as a wayof off-setting electrical use.
B) That this option and additional expenditure, of up to £70,000 (above the figure in 1) is only pursued after consultation, post contract award with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Health.
The Director of
Finance, Resources and Business Improvement be granted delegated
authority to enter into any related
appointments, legal actions, deeds, contracts and agreements which
may be required to facilitate the refurbishment
The Head of Mid Kent
Legal Services be authorised to deal
with all legal formalities including the negotiation and completion
of the necessary contract documentation, deeds, agreements and ancillary documentation associated
with the refurbishment works on the terms as agreed by the Director
of Finance, Resources & Business Improvement or to appoint
external solicitors to undertake this or elements of this
6. To invite Maidstone Property Holdings Limited to surrender its lease on the building, so it can become affordable housing upon the grant funding being applied to it and agree that the Head of Mid Kent Legal Services is authorised to attend to the necessary legal requirements, formalities and ancillary documentation or to appoint external solicitors to undertake this or elements of this work.