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Decisions published

19/02/2024 - Maidstone Local Bus Focus Group ref: 1502    Recommendations Approved

To determine whether to replace the terminated borough/district Quality Bus Partnerships with Local Focus Groups administered by the boroughs/districts rather than Kent County Council (KCC).

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development

Decision published: 19/02/2024

Effective from: 27/02/2024




1.  A local bus focus group be created to allow for interaction and work on strategic issues with bus operators;

2.  Delegated authority be given to the Head of Spatial Planning and Economic Development, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development, to commit the monies received from the Local Authority Bus Subsidy (Revenue) Grant, totalling £39,766, in accordance with the grant funding agreement as outlined in point 2.4 of the report; and

3.  An update be provided to the Planning Infrastructure and Economic Development Committee after at least two meetings of the local bus focus group have taken place.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Tom Gilbert