Issue details

Community Development Strategy 2011 to 2016

The Community Development Strategy for Maidstone Borough is a key strategic planning and delivery document for the Maidstone borough as set out in the council’s new Strategic Plan 2011-2015 .

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Policies, Plans, Strategies;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Department: Community Protection

Contact: Sarah Robson Email:

Consultation process

Draft report will be made available to councillors and key partners to give their views.


Maidstone Local Strategic Partnership
Voluntary Action Maidstone
Kent County Council
Kent Youth Service
Kent Children’s Service
Arts Council England
NHS West Kent
Kent Children’s Fund Local Network
Urban and rural communities within Maidstone Borough
Colleagues in other district councils within Kent
Maidstone Youth Forum
Switch Youth Café

Representations should be made by: 15/04/2011


  • Cabinet Member Report for Community Development Strategy 2011 to 2016