quality in Maidstone has improved significantly in recent years to
the extent that most of the Borough is now in compliance with all
air quality objectives. The only area
in which any objective is exceeded is Upper Stone Street.
The current Air Quality Action Plan
(AQAP) will shortly need to be updated. It is proposed that, prior to updating the AQAP,
the current Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) be revoked and a new
AQMA should be declared which more closely reflects the current
area of exceedance. The new AQMA would
cover Upper Stone Street from Wrens Cross to Old Tovil
Road. The new AQAP could then be more
focussed on the Upper Stone Street Area. The report includes a draft list of potential
actions for inclusion in the new AQAP. Permission is requested to hold a public
consultation on these actions.