Minutes 19/12/2012, 18.30





Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 19 December 2012



Councillor Garland (Chairman), and

Councillors Greer, Hotson, Paine, Mrs Ring and J.A. Wilson


Also Present:

Councillors Mrs Gooch, McLoughlin, Newton and Mrs Stockell





106.     Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.




107.     Urgent Items


RESOLVED: That the report of the Director of Regeneration and Communities – Parish Services Scheme Petition from Parishes be taken as an urgent item.




108.     Notification of Visiting Members


Councillor Mrs Gooch indicated her wish to speak on Agenda Item 8 – Refresh of the Strategic Plan 2013-14 and Councillors Mrs Gooch, McLoughlin, Newton and Mrs Stockell indicated their wish to speak on Agenda Item 16 – Parish Services Scheme Petition from Parishes.




109.     Disclosures by Members and Officers


There were no disclosures by Members or Officers.




110.     Disclosures of lobbying


All Members disclosed that they had been lobbied with regard to the urgent agenda item – Report of Director of Regeneration and Communities – Paris Services Scheme Petition from Parishes.




111.     Exempt Items


RESOLVED: That the Items on the Agenda be taken in public as proposed.




112.     Minutes


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 21 November 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed.




113.     Refresh of the Strategic Plan 2013-14




1.        That the 2013-14 refresh of the Strategic Plan be approved for consultation and consideration by Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee, subject to


a)   Emphasising the relationship with parishes as part of our partnership working; and

a)   That the narrative in “How we have prioritised and funded services” be re-worded to reflect the fact that tourism forms part of the visitor economy which is part of economic development


1.        That the performance measures and targets in the plan be updated and reported as part of the annual performance management cycle at the end of the financial year.


To view full details of this decision, please click here:-





114.     The Community Right to Bid




That, subject to point 4 of  paragraph 1.3.6 of the report of the Assistant Director of Environment and Regulatory Services being amended to include consultation with the relevant Ward member or Members, the procedures and the delegations set out in the main body of the report to ensure a resilient approach to the requirements of the Community Right to Bid be agreed.


To view full details of this decision, please click here:-





115.     Refresh of the Improvement Plan for 2013-16




1.        That the draft Improvement Plan 2013-16 (as attached at Appendix A to the report of Head of Business Improvement) be approved for consultation with Overview & Scrutiny.


2.        That the progress made on the key services and projects for improvement April – October 2012 (as attached at Appendix B to the report of Head of Business Improvement) be noted.


To view full details of this decision, please click here:-







116.     Council Tax 2013/14 - Collection Fund Adjustments




That the projection detailed in the report of the Head of Finance and Customer Services be agreed and as a result the distribution of the surplus as set out below be agreed:



Maidstone Borough Council


Kent County Council


Kent Police Authority


Kent and Medway Towns Fire Authority


Amount Distributed
















To view full details of this decision, please click here:-






117.     Budget Strategy 2013-14 Onwards - Corporate Fees & Charges Review




1.        That the increases in fees and charges proposed and set out in detail in Appendix A to the report of Corporate Leadership Team be approved.


2.        That the proposed changes to the budgets for fees and charges that occur as a consequence of the revision in fees and charges be approved and the approved sum, as set out in paragraph 1.3.8 of the report of Corporate Leadership Team, to then be a budget strategy saving for 2013/14.


To view full details of this decision, please click here:-





118.     Budget Strategy 2013-14 Onwards




1.        That the provisional allocation of the local council tax support funding, as set out in Appendix A of the report of Corporate Leadership Team, be agreed and notified to parish councils along with their tax base.

2.        That the revised strategic revenue projection, as set out in Appendix B of the Corporate Leadership Team, which incorporates the changes outlined in sections 1.6 and 1.7 be agreed.

3.        That the proposed savings, as set out in Appendix C to the report of Corporate Leadership Team, be agreed.

4.        That the assumptions used in the development of the available resources as detailed throughout the report of Corporate Leadership Team be noted.

5.        That consideration of the use of the additional capital resources identified in paragraph 1.13.3 of the report of Corporate Leadership Team be deferred pending the final cost of the Museum East Wing project.


6.        That the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, be given delegated authority to amend the detail of the Budget Strategy arising from the annual announcement by the Department for Communities and Local Government regarding local government finance.


To view full details of this decision, please click here:-





119.     Property Investment Governance Arrangements


The Cabinet considered the reference from Audit Committee regarding the Property Investment Governance Arrangements.


RESOLVED: That Audit Committee be informed that the Cabinet are satisfied that the governance arrangements relating to property investment are strong and democratic, taking into account that the decision is made by a Cabinet Committee with the Advisory Panel having no decision making powers but enabling an all-party involvement in the advice given to the decision making Cabinet Committee.




120.     Cabinet Meeting Dates - Municipal Year 2013-2014


The Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Democratic Services regarding meeting dates for the Municipal Year 2013/14.


RESOLVED: That the report be agreed.




121.     Parish Services Scheme Petition from Parishes




1.        That the parishes be thanked for submitting their petition.


2.        That the Parish Services Scheme be retained but that the Council would underwrite the Parish Council expenditure on street lighting which has been funded as part of the concurrent function scheme in 2013/14 at an estimated cost of £31,000


3.        That the Parish Services Scheme would be amended to reflect any areas identified as being double taxation that are raised in the discussions between individual parishes and the Council.


To view full details of this decision, please click here:-





122.     Duration of Meeting


6.30 p.m. to 7.55 p.m.

