Minutes 25/03/2013, 10.00



General Purposes Group


Minutes of the meeting held on 25 March 2013





Councillor Mrs Hinder (Chairman), and

Councillors Black, Chittenden, McKay, D Mortimer and Mrs Stockell


Also Present:

Councillors Daley, Naghi and Mrs Parvin






60.        Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.




61.        Notification of Substitute Members


There were no Substitute Members.




62.        Notification of Visiting Members


Councillors Daley, Naghi and Mrs Parvin indicated their wish to speak on Agenda Item 8 – Nominations to Outside Bodies.




63.        Disclosures by Members and Officers


Councillor Mortimer disclosed a pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 8 – Nominations to Outside Bodies, with regard to the appointment to the Cutbush and Corral Charity.




64.        Disclosures of Lobbying


All Members disclosed they had been lobbied with regard to Agenda Item 8 – Nominations to Outside Bodies.




65.        Exempt Items


RESOLVED: That the Items on the Agenda be taken in public as proposed.




66.        Minutes


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 30 January 2013 be approved as a correct record and signed.






67.        Nominations to Outside Bodies


The Group considered the report of the Head of Democratic Services regarding nominations to Outside Bodies.




1.        That Mr Paul Oldham be nominated as the Council’s representative on Cutbush & Corrall Charities for a term of four years commencing 1 April 2013.


2.        That Councillor J A Wilson be nominated as the Council’s representative on Kent County Playing Fields Association until 30 September 2013, subject to a further, more detailed, nomination form being circulated by email to, and approved by, the Members of the General Purposes Group.


3.        That Councillor English be nominated as the Council’s representative on Age UK until 27 September 2015.


4.        That Councillor Mrs Parvin be nominated as the Council’s representative on the Local Government Association Rural Commission until 30 May 2013.


5.        That Councillors Mrs Hinder, Vizzard and Ash be nominated as the Council’s representative on the Maidstone/Beauvais Twinning Association for a term of one year from 1 April 2013 and Councillor Yates also be nominated, as above, subject to a further, more detailed, nomination form being circulated by email to, and approved by, the Members of the General Purposes Group.




68.        Duration of Meeting


10.00 a.m. to 10.40 a.m.

