Agenda Frontsheet 21/01/2014, 17.30



West Kent CCG Health and Wellbeing Board MEETING


Date:   Tuesday 21 January 2014

Time:   5.30 pm

Venue: Rooms 1B & 1C - Maidstone House, King Street, Maidstone




Dr Bob Bowes (Chairman),Councillor Steve Beerling, Lesley Bowles, Alison Broom, Councillor John Cunningham, Councillor Richard Davison, Councillor Roger Gough, Jane Heeley, Dr Caroline Jessel, Dr Tony Jones, Veronika Segall Jones, James Lampert, Mark Lemon, Councillor Brian Luker, Mairead MacNeil, Reg Middleton, Dr Sanjay Singh, Malti Varshney, Evelyn White and Dr Meriel Wynter





Page No.


1.        Apologies for Absence




2.        Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests




3.        Minutes of the Previous Meeting

1 - 6



4.        General Overview of Substance Misuse in West Kent CCG District Areas

7 - 13


Colin Thompson (Kent County Council, Public Health)





5.        Overview of the West Kent Adult Integrated Substance Misuse Service

14 - 17


Report of Colin Thompson.

Formal presentation delivered by Ed Shorter, CRI – followed by discussion.






6.        Young People's Substance Misuse Service

18 - 24


Report of Angela Slaven





7.        Kent Alcohol Strategy

25 - 27


Report of Meradin Peachey





8.        Dual Diagnosis Provision in Kent

28 - 32


Report of Amanda Honey





9.        Community Safety (barriers and perspectives)

33 - 40


Report of Colin Thompson (Kent County Council, Public Health)





10.    Current Barriers and Ways Forward

41 - 45


Report of Colin Thompson (Kent County Council, Public Health)





11.    Better Care Fund

Verbal Report


Oral Update by Mark Lemon





12.    CCG Commissioning Plans

Verbal Report



13.    Any Other Business




14.    Date of Next Meeting



The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for 18 February 2014 at Maidstone Borough Council offices.



