Agenda Frontsheet 18/03/2014, 17.30



West Kent CCG Health and Wellbeing Board MEETING


Date:   Tuesday 18 March 2014

Time:   5.30 pm

Venue: Darent Room, County Hall, Maidstone




Gail Arnold, Councillor Steve Beerling, Dr Bob Bowes (Chairman), Lesley Bowles, Alison Broom, Councillor John Cunningham, Councillor Richard Davison, Councillor Roger Gough, Jane Heeley, Dr Caroline Jessel, Dr Tony Jones, Veronika Segall Jones, James Lampert, Mark Lemon, Councillor Brian Luker, Mairead MacNeil, Reg Middleton, Dr Sanjay Singh, Malti Varshney and Dr Meriel Wynter






Page No.


1.        Apologies for Absence




2.        Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests




3.        Minutes of the Previous Meeting

1 - 5



4.        Community Safety (Barriers and Perspectives)

6 - 13


Item deferred from January meeting.




5.        Healthy Weight - Adults

14 - 16


a)        Overview by Val Miller

b)        Sports and Physical Activity by Kevin Day

c)        District Discussion on:

·  Weight management programmes

·  Healthy Eating Award

·  Community initiatives that link with weight management

Presentation by District colleagues





6.        CCG/Strategic Commissioning Plan




7.        Update on BCF




8.        Future Dates - Frequency and Venue of Meetings

