Leader of the Council (post), Forward Plan 01 September to 31 December 2011 Plan Document 01/09/2011










1 September 2011 to

31 December 2011

Councillor Christopher Garland

Leader of the Council




This is the Forward Plan which the Leader of the Council is required to prepare.  Its purpose is to give advance notice of all the “key decisions” which the Executive is likely to take over the next 4 month period.  The Plan will be up-dated monthly.


Each “key decision” is the subject of a separate entry in the Plan.  The entries are arranged in date order – i.e. the “key decisions” likely to be taken during the first month of the 4 month period covered by the Plan appear first.


Each entry identifies, for that “key decision” –


·         the subject matter of the decision


·         a brief explanation of why it will be a “key decision”


·         the date on which the decision is due to be taken


·         who will be consulted before the decision is taken and the method of the consultation


·         how and to whom representations (about the decision) can be made


·         what reports/papers are, or will be, available for public inspection


·         the wards to be affected by this decision




A key decision is an executive decision which is likely to:


·        Result in the Maidstone Borough Council incurring expenditure or making savings which is equal to the value of £250,000 or more; or


·        Have significant effect on communities living or working in an area comprising one or more wards in Maidstone.




The Cabinet collectively makes some of the decisions at a public meeting and individual portfolio holders make decisions following consultation with every member of the Council.  In addition, Officers can make key decisions and an entry for each of these will be included in the Forward Plan.





Councillor Christopher Garland

Leader of the Council


Tel: 07766 343024


Councillor Marion Ring

Cabinet Member for Environment


Tel: 01622 686492




Councillor Malcolm Greer 

Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Transport (also Deputy Leader)


Tel: 01634 862876



Councillor John A Wilson

Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services


Tel: 01622 720989




Councillor Eric Hotson

Cabinet Member for Corporate Services


Tel: 01580 892312







The Council encourages and welcomes anyone wishing to express his or her views about decisions the Cabinet plans to make.  This can be done by writing directly to the appropriate Officer or Cabinet Member (the details of which are shown for each decision to be made).


Alternatively, the Cabinet are contactable via our website where you can submit a question to the Leader of the Council.  There is also the opportunity to invite the Leader of the Council to speak at a function you may be organising. 




Decision Maker, Date of Decision/Month in which decision will be made and, if delayed, reason for delay:

Title of Report and Brief Summary of Decision to be made:

Consultees and Method:

Contact Officer and deadline for submission of enquiries:

Relevant Documents:




Due Date: 14 Sep 2011





Budget Strategy 2012/13 Onwards


To give initial consideration to a Budget Strategy for 2012/13 and beyond.


Management Team
Heads of Service
Members  Internal communication/report to Management Team

Paul Riley, Head of Finance & Customer Services




Internal communication by 30 June 2011


Cabinet, Council or Committee Report for Budget Strategy 2012/13 Onwards






Due Date: 14 Sep 2011




Original Date: 15 Jun 2011

Data Quality Policy


To agree the revised data quality policy


Members & Unit Managers, Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Angela Woodhouse, Head of Change and Scrutiny






Cabinet, Council or Committee Report for Data Quality Policy






Due Date: 14 Sep 2011




ICT Partnership


Report detailing the business case for a MKIP ICT shared service/partnership


Staff, Heads of Service, Members  Questionnaire

David Lindsay, Head of IT Services






Cabinet, Council or Committee Report for ICT Partnership






Due Date: 14 Sep 2011





Procurement of Revised Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment


An assessment of gypsy and traveller accommodation is required to ensure that the level of pitch provision contained in the Core Strategy is correct and backed by a sound evidence base. The existing GTAA has been declared unfit for purpose and Counsel have advised that this work should be carried out as soon as possible.


Internal officer consultees include

R Jarman, Head of Development Management,

J Littlemore, Head of Housing,

Steve Trigg, Procurement  

The Brief for Consultants will be put to Cabinet for approval prior to appointment

Flo Churchill


via email to Flo Churchill by 1st August 2011




Cabinet, Council or Committee Report for Procurement of revised Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment






Due Date: 12 Oct 2011





Local Development Scheme 2011


The Local Development Scheme (LDS) is a project plan that sets out the range of Development Plan Documents the Council will prepare over a minimum 3-year period. It explains how the Council will manage and resource the preparation of its LDF documents. A review of the current scheme is necessary due to a number of events that have occurred since its adoption in 2009. Approval to submit the LDS (2011) to the Secretary of State is being sought.


Local Development Document Task and Finish Scrutiny Panel  

Sue Whiteside





29 August 2011


Cabinet, Council or Committee Report for Local Development Scheme 2011






Due Date: 12 Oct 2011




Original Date: 10 Aug 2011

Tendering Strategy - Waste and recycling contract form 2013


This report considers options for the tendering of the new contract for waste and recycling from 2013


Cabinet members  

Steve Goulette, Assistant Director of Environment & Regulatory Services


Letter, or

e mail stevegoulette@maidstone.gov.uk



Cabinet, Council or Committee Report for Tendering Strategy - Waste and recycling contract form 2013






Due Date: 21 Dec 2011





Budget Strategy 2012/13 Onwards


To agree a draft Council Tax and Budget Strategy for 2012/13 onwards.


Management Team,
Heads of Service,
Members,  Internal - Management Team
External - Options as agreed by Cabinet in August 2010

Paul Riley, Head of Finance & Customer Services




25 November 2011


Cabinet, Council or Committee Report for Budget Strategy 2012/13 Onwards - Cabinet






Due Date: 21 Dec 2011




Council Tax 2012/13 - Collection Fund Adjustments


To agree the levels of Collection Fund Adjustment


Management Team
Heads of Service
Members  Internal communication/report to Management Team

Paul Riley, Head of Finance & Customer Services





25 November 2011


Cabinet, Council or Committee Report for Council Tax 2012/13 - Collection Fund Adjustments - Cabinet




Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services


Due Date: September 2011





Proposed Revisions to the Deed of Settlement with Golding Homes


To consider agreement to proposed revisions to the programme of investment with Golding Homes, as set out in the Deed of Settlement.


Cabinet Member, Director of Regeneration and Communities, Head of Housing and Community Services, Legal, Finance.  Meeting/discussions with Cabinet Member, Director of Regeneration and Communities, Head of Housing and Community Services, Legal, Finance.

John Littlemore, Head of Housing & Community Safety




30th August 2011


Cabinet Member Report for Proposed Revisions to the Deed of Settlement with Golding Homes




Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services


Due Date: October 2011




CCTV Monitoring - Contract Award


To award the tender for the CCTV Monitoring contract


Tender process follows procurement procedures and cannot be consulted on. However, comments on the report will be welcome. Please note that extensive consultation with key stakeholders was carried out prior to taking the decision to go to tender.

John Littlemore, Head of Housing & Community Safety







Cabinet Member Report for CCTV Monitoring - Contract Award




Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services


Due Date: October 2011





Parish Services Scheme


To consider the outcome of the concurrent functions review and agree the new Parish Services Scheme


All Parish Councils.  The review began in January 2011 and has had consultation throughout including with parishes and KALC. The main consultation for the report will commence in August with a presentation and question and answer session for all Parish Councils, followed by a formal consultation document on the new scheme which is planned to close on 30 September 2011

Ryan O'Connell




30 September 2011


Cabinet Member Report for Parish Services Scheme




Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services


Due Date: November 2011





Community Development Strategy 2011 to 2016


The Community Development Strategy for Maidstone Borough is a key strategic planning and delivery document for the Maidstone borough as set out in the Council’s new Strategic Plan 2011-2015.


Maidstone Local Strategic Partnership,
Voluntary Action Maidstone,
Kent County Council,
Kent Youth Service,
Kent Children’s Service,
Arts Council England,
NHS West Kent,
Kent Children’s Fund, Local Network,
Urban and rural communities within Maidstone Borough,
Colleagues in other district councils within Kent,
Maidstone Youth Forum,
Switch Youth Café Draft report will be made available to councillors and key partners to give their views.

Sarah Robson







Cabinet Member Report for Community Development Strategy 2011 to 2016




Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services


Due Date: November 2011




Original Date: 1 Jun 2011

Maidstone Local Bio Diversity Action Plan


To approve the above plan


Public  On Parks Pages for consultation and MBC consultation portal

Jason Taylor, Parks and Leisure Manager




Cabinet Member Report for Maidstone Local Bio Diversity Action Plan

