Maidstone Borough Council
Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services
Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Monday 12 January 2015
Role of the Mid-Kent Services Director
Report of: Poppy Brewer, Democratic Services Officer
1. Introduction
1.1 At the special co-located meeting of the three Overview & Scrutiny Committees from Maidstone BC, Tunbridge Wells BC and Swale BC on Monday 7 July, it was agreed to set up a joint task & finish group to review the governance and communication of MKIP.
1.2 As part of the review the Mid-Kent Services Director, Paul Taylor, provided information to the Task and Finish Group, and it was agreed that Mr Taylor would attend a co-located, simultaneous meeting of the three Overview and Scrutiny Committees to provide an update on his objectives.
2. Recommendation
2.1 The Committee are advised to consider the verbal update from Paul Taylor, Mid-Kent Services Director, on his objectives, and Zena Cooke, Director of Regeneration and Communities, on the work of the cross authority Project Team established to undertake an independent review of the Mid Kent Services Director Role.
3. Background
3.1 A copy of the project teams assessment criteria is attached at Appendix i.
4. Impact on Corporate Objectives
4.1 The Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee will primarily consider reports that deliver against the Council priority: Corporate and Customer Excellence.
4.2 Seven shared services are delivered under the Mid Kent Improvement Partnership, with five of these services sitting under the directorate of Mid Kent Services. The work of MKIP is therefore vital to ensure delivery of a number of key services and the corporate priorities of each individual authority.
5. Financial Implications
5.1 None
6. Relevant Documents
9.1 Appendix i Project Teams Assessment Criteria
7. Background Documents
10.1 None
8. Other Implications
1. Financial
1. Staffing
2. Legal
3. Equality Impact Needs Assessment
4. Environmental/Sustainable Development
5. Community Safety
6. Human Rights Act
7. Procurement
8. Asset Management
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