Issue for Decision
To consider the proposed Revenue and Capital Budgets for 2015/16, including service savings and growth, in accordance with the agreed budget strategy and in the context of the Medium Term Financial Strategy and the Medium Term Financial Projection.
To calculate and approve the Council Tax requirement for 2015/16.
Recommendations Made
That the future
production of the budget book be linked to the Council’s priorities detailed in
the strategic plan and as set out in Appendix A (circulated separately).
That the revised
revenue estimates for 2014/15 be agreed as set out in Appendix A.
That the minimum
level of General Fund Balances be set at £2m for 2015/16.
That the
proposed Council Tax of £235.71 at Band D for 2015/16 be agreed.
That the revenue
estimates for 2015/16 incorporating the growth and savings items set out in
Appendix A be agreed.
That the
Statement of Earmarked Reserves and General Fund Balances as set out in
Appendix A be agreed.
That the Capital
Programme, as set out in Appendix A be agreed.
That the funding
of the Capital Programme as set out in Appendix A be agreed.
That the Medium
Term Financial Strategy as set out in Appendix A be agreed.
That the
Strategic Revenue Projection, as set out in Appendix A as the basis for future
financial planning be endorsed.
That it be noted
that the Council’s Council Tax base for the year 2015/16 has been calculated as
56974.3 in accordance with Regulation 3 of the Local Authorities (Calculation
of Council Tax Base) regulations 1992.
That it be noted
that in accordance with Government guidance the yield from business rates has
been calculated as £58,252,075.
That it be noted
that the individual parish area tax bases set out in Appendix B are calculated
in accordance with regulation 6 of the Regulations and are the amounts of the
Council Tax Base for the year for dwellings in those parts of the Council’s
area to which a special item relates.
That the
distribution of Local Council Tax Support funding to parish councils, as set
out in Appendix C, be approved.
That the Council
Tax requirement for the Council’s own purposes for 2015/16 (excluding Parish
precepts) is £13,429,412.
That the
following amounts now be calculated by the Council for the year 2015/16 in
accordance with Section 31A, 31B and 34-36 of the Local Government Finance Act
1992 as amended by the Localism Act 2011:-
(a) |
£80,506,490 |
being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(2) of the Act taking into account all precepts issued to it by Parish Councils. |
(b) |
£65,683,120 |
being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3) of the Act. |
(c) |
£14,823,370 |
being the amount by which the aggregate at 16(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 16(b) above, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act as its Council Tax requirement for the year. (Item R in the formula in Section 31A(4) of the Act).
(d) |
£260.18 |
being the amount at 16(c) above (Item R), all divided by the figure stated at 11 above (Item T in the formula in section 31A(4) of the Act), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31B(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year (including parish precepts). |
(e) |
£1,393,958 |
being the aggregate amount of all special items (Parish precepts) referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act (as per the attached Appendix B). |
(f) |
£235.71 |
being the amount at 16(d) above less the result given by dividing the amount at 16(e) above by the tax base given in 11 above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no Parish precept relates. |
17. That it be noted that for the year 2015/16 Kent County Council, the Kent Police & Crime Commissioner and the Kent & Medway Fire & Rescue Authority have stated the following amounts in precepts issued to the Council, in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:-
Valuation Bands
KCC £ |
KPCC £ |
A |
726.66 |
98.10 |
47.10 |
B |
847.77 |
114.45 |
54.95 |
C |
968.88 |
130.80 |
62.80 |
D |
1,089.99 |
147.15 |
70.65 |
E |
1,332.21 |
179.85 |
86.35 |
F |
1,574.43 |
212.55 |
102.05 |
G |
1,816.65 |
245.25 |
117.75 |
H |
2,179.98 |
294.30 |
141.30 |
18. That, having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 16 (d), and 17 above, the Council, in accordance with Section 30 (2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, hereby sets out in Appendix D, the amounts of Council Tax for the year 2015/16 for each of the categories of dwellings shown.
Reasons for Recommendation
This report sets out the
considerations of Cabinet in relation to the budget for 2015/16 and the formal
recommendation of Cabinet to set the budget and the Council Tax level as
required by the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and the Localism Act 2011.
Medium Term Financial Strategy has been developed along with the new Strategic
Plan. As part of the work to connect the two strategies the budget set out at
Appendix A has been amended from its previous format in two ways. Firstly the
details are categorised by priority rather than Cabinet Member’s portfolio and
secondly the details has been simplified to improve legibility and usability.
Members should view the budget as a first attempt at redesign and will be
improved during the development of the 2016/17 budget.
On two
previous occasions this year the Cabinet has considered the developing medium
term financial strategy for 2015/16 onwards. On the first occasion a strategic
revenue projection and a council tax level was set for the purposes of planning
and consultation with the public and overview and scrutiny committee.
addition the Cabinet has considered two quarterly budget monitoring reports for
the current financial year. These reports have reviewed revenue, capital and
other balance sheet items and reported on any major variances or other issues.
The reports identified areas where income is above budget and where expenditure
levels are above budget. The Cabinet has made decisions in relation to those
reports and resources have been reallocated to areas of budget pressure in line
with those decisions.
Year 2014/15
One major area where expenditure is in excess of budget, Housing Temporary Accommodation, has been reported for the last three years and a temporary resolution has been found each year. This year the purchase and use of Aylesbury House has resolved part of the pressure on this budget. At its December 2014 meeting the Cabinet agreed an allocation of £160,000 into this budget to permanently resolve the remaining budget pressure.
The third quarterly budget monitoring report to Cabinet in February 2015 shows a growing level of employee underspend after an allowance is made for temporary staff and consultants. In addition income from both parking and planning are above target. The expected outturn for 2014/15 is a positive variance or underspend of £587,682.
The Strategic Plan and
Other Strategies
this year there has been a fundamental review of the strategic plan. The
current plan is for the period to 31st March 2015. A new strategic
plan has been developed for the period 2015/16 to 2019/20 and is reported
elsewhere on this Council agenda for consideration. Alongside this work the
medium term financial strategy for 2015/16 to 2019/20 has been developed to
maximise the links between resources available and priorities of the council.
The medium term financial strategy also incorporates consideration of the following:
workforce strategy – provision is included in the budget for expected growth
and savings in employee costs.
asset management strategy – provision has been made from both capital and
revenue resources for the repair and maintenance of assets. In addition there
are resources within the capital programme for the acquisition of additional
commercial property.
ICT strategy – ICT is provided to the council by a shared service in
partnership with Swale and Tunbridge Wells Borough Councils. The ICT strategy
is therefore a three way strategy. The medium term financial strategy
incorporates contributions to improvements that enhance the partnership and
resources for the needs of this council.
d) The Local Plan,
(especially the links to the infrastructure delivery plan) – delivery of
sustainable growth requires resources to improve all forms of infrastructure.
While the infrastructure delivery plan remains in draft the council has made
decisions regarding the use of new homes bonus and the future development of a
community infrastructure levy that will enable infrastructure work to commence
where plans require. An estimate of future resources available is set out in
the capital programme later in this report.
register – the funding needs of actions plans developed for mitigation of
identified risks are, where appropriate, incorporated into the budget strategy.
Management – the 2015/16 strategy is reported elsewhere on this agenda. Recent
debate has set out the difficulty with improving investment income in the
current market and the strategy continues to place security above return.
g) Commercialisation
Strategy – the financial plan set out in the strategy is reflected in the
medium term financial strategy in terms of both revenue benefits and capital
implementation costs.
h) Housing Strategy
& Homeless Strategy – in recognition of the pressure on the temporary
accommodation budget the Cabinet has approved additional permanent resources
from 2015/16.
Consultation with the public
The consultation with the public was carried out between October 2014 and December 2014. The consultation was available on the Council’s website over this period and social media was utilised to raise awareness. Under the successful banner of “My Council - What matters to me”, which has been used for budget consultations over the last three years, Cabinet Members and officers met with local residents in both rural and town locations across the borough to discuss the budget and consider the priorities set out in the strategic plan.
The key feedback from those meetings is that residents place most importance on two of the eight priorities: “providing a clean and safe environment”; and “securing improvements to the transport infrastructure of our borough”. Later in this report the budget will identify links to the strategic plan priorities. The two high priority issues for residents also retain the highest levels of funding reflecting their importance to the Council. A clean and safe environment receives the highest allocation of revenue funding and transport infrastructure will benefit from the capital funding being set aside for infrastructure to support the local plan.
with Strategic Leadership & Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny
The Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee followed the development of the medium term financial strategy and the budget for 2015/16 through its budget working group. This group met with officers and members on several occasions during the year and reported back to the committee on its views. This enabled detailed consideration of the factors used in the developing budget.
The working group has completed an in depth review of the provisional business
plans and proposals that will be brought forward to achieve the objectives of
the commercialisation strategy. This was completed so that the group could be
confident that the assumptions built in to the proposed medium term financial
strategy are achievable.
The group has also considered
a number of other aspects of the medium term financial strategy:
a) the proposed fees and charges increases;
b) the link between budgetary provision and the priorities set out in the draft strategic plan; and
c) the savings and efficiencies set out in this report;
The constitution requires the
Cabinet to formally consult with Overview and Scrutiny and this was achieved by
formal consultation at the meeting of the Strategic Leadership and Corporate
Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 6th January 2015. The Cabinet
Member for Corporate Services, the Head of Finance and Resources and the Chief
Executive attended the meeting to answer questions on the budget strategy.
The committee made
recommendations to Cabinet in relation to the medium term financial strategy
and these are as follows:
· That the Committee be noted as in
active support of Officers in finding options that mitigate the financial risk
to the Council while achieving strategic objectives, and request an update from
the Head of Housing and Community Services on this issue.
· That Officers be requested to develop member development sessions in strategic risk to be incorporated into new member inductions commencing from elections in May 2015, to be rolled out to all members, and refined as the constitution develops.
Consultation with Audit Committee
The Audit Committee considered the budget strategy at its meeting on 26 January 2015. The committee’s remit is with reference to risk management and it considered the operational risk assessment of the budget that is produced by the finance team as part of its service planning work each year. In the main, the view of the Committee was that the risk assessment identified the appropriate risks and the general work of the Council in monitoring the budget and the specific mitigation measures proposed were satisfactory.
In one area the Committee
agreed to pass a reference on to the Cabinet. This is in relation to the level
of balances and the future planned activity of the Council. The Committee felt
that the work completed on the medium term financial strategy did not suitably
bring together all of the issues so that the maximum financial exposure
identified for all activities could be seen in relation to the available
resources that would be utilised if plans were to fail.
While it is true that the Cabinet has not reviewed the worst case outcomes since September 2014 the purpose of the strategic revenue projection is to bring together the consequences of all the Council’s plans and objectives at a level that Cabinet considers appropriate. In September 2014 the Cabinet considered three options for the strategic revenue projection this included best outcome, a worst outcome and a most likely outcome option. The Cabinet selected a modified most likely outcome for planning purposes and again modified it in December 2014 in light of more accurate information.
Officers have reviewed the current strategic revenue projection and the third quarterly monitoring report for 2014/15 and identified the following projects as potentially significant exposure if the planning assumptions are incorrect:
a) Commercial activity - £200,000 per annum income
b) Temporary Accommodation – current overspend £354,664 should be resourced in 2015/16
c) Introduction of Universal Credit – partial loss of Benefit Administration Grant £150,000
d) Business Rates – Growth not achieved £1,167,467
These issues are mitigated in the current risk management plans as follows:
a) Commercial activity will be supported by up to £164,000 of rental income from Phoenix Park for 2015/16. However the commercial activity must still provide the planned income of £1,000,000 within the five years of the strategy.
b) Temporary Accommodation is now supported by Aylesbury House and two other premises providing a further eight units. In addition Cabinet has provided net additional budgets of £160,000 on a permanent basis from 2015/16.
c) Universal credit will commence this year but the full implementation will take some years. The planned loss of grant is greater than grant losses in prior years and within the strategy period the full amount is lost.
d) Business Rates growth is predicted to be significant but the value is well within the expected parameters. The proposal is for the resources to be held as a reserve until central government confirmation of the surplus during 2016/17 when proposals for its use can be confirmed.
e) In addition to the direct mitigations of the risks the Council retains a specific balance of £500,000 as a resource set aside against the risk of commercial failure of one or more commercial projects.
Members should note
that the intention of the risk management statement provided to Audit Committee
is to ensure that a suitable level of cover exists for such risks and that
actions will be taken to monitor and react to signs of such events occurring.
The Strategic
Revenue Projection
Cabinet considered and agreed a strategic revenue projection at its meeting in
September 2014 and has considered updates at its meeting in December 2014. The
current strategic revenue projection is given within Appendix A and includes
amendments that have arisen since the December report.
Set out
below is the latest information about the key elements of the projection.
Provisional Finance Settlement
provisional finance settlement was announced on 18 December 2014 on the day
after the Cabinet considered a report on the draft budget for consultation with
overview and scrutiny. The Department for Communities and Local Government
allow a period of consultation until 15 January 2015. In February each year the
final settlement figures are then announced and at that time they provide an
indicative value for the following year.
In February 2014 the
government provided indicative figures for 2015/16 and on 4th February 2015
they provided final figures based on current data and the outcome of the autumn
statement. There has been a reduction in the total value. The national data
provided on the two occasions is as follows:
2015/16 Settlement National Figures |
As at February 2014 |
As at December 2014 |
£ Difference |
% Difference |
Revenue Support Grant |
£9,233,280,899 |
£9,435,365,359 |
£199,084,460 |
2.16 |
Business Rates Baseline |
£11,417,533,227 |
£11,323,173,448 |
-£94,359,779 |
-0.83 |
£20,650,814,126 |
£20,758,538,807 |
£104,724,681 |
0.50 |
Nationally a number of changes occurred between the indicative figures of February 2014 and the Provisional figures of December 2014. A large part of the growth in revenue support grant, £145,200,000, is the provision of council tax freeze grant to those authorities that did freeze their council tax. The reduction in business rates relates to the 2% cap placed on increases in the autumn statement. The indicative figures assumed an increase in RPI of 2.76% which is not now available.
The report considered by the Cabinet in December 2014 used the indicative finance settlement figures provided to Maidstone by the DCLG in January 2014. The provisional figures announced on 18th December 2014 are lower than the indicative figures by £8,629 as set out in the table below. This is not a significant figure but did require additional savings to be found.
2015/16 Settlement Maidstone Figures |
As at February 2014 |
As at December 2014 |
£ Difference |
% Difference |
Revenue Support Grant |
£2,250,663 |
£2,266,690 |
£16,027 |
0.71 |
Business Rates Baseline |
£2,983,341 |
£2,958,685 |
-£24,656 |
-0.83 |
£5,234,004 |
£5,225,375 |
£-8,629 |
-0.16 |
Maidstone has not claimed council tax freeze grant in 2014/15 and did not receive the grant. The Council did however benefit from some minor changes to rural funding and the New Homes Bonus top slice refund. In terms of the business rates baseline the Council has seen a reduction due to the use of a 2% cap rather than the RPI assumed in the indicative figures.
Parish Funding
The Cabinet considered the amount and distribution of the local council tax support grant that the Council has agreed to passport to parish councils. The grant is distributed to parishes proportionate to the level of council tax lost due to council tax support grant.
Included in Appendix A is a table of values that the Cabinet agreed at its December 2014 meeting could be provisionally reported to parish councils to assist in their budget and precept setting.
The calculation of the overall amount of grant to distribute is based upon the change in the Council’s resources from the finance settlement each year. When Cabinet considered the distribution of the grant to Parishes at its December 2014 meeting the finance settlement figures were not available and indicative figures supplied by the government in February 2014 were used. Based on this formula the overall grant was reduced from the 2014/15 value of £96,802 by 15.27% to £82,024.
The finance settlement announced the day after the December 2014 Cabinet meeting provided actual resources of £8,629 less than the indicative figures. This means that the overall reduction in funding from 2014/15 into 2015/16 is 15.4% not 15.27%.
A similar but larger change occurred in development of the 2014/15 budget strategy but in approving the budget for the current year it made a decision not to amend the allocation to parish councils and it would be appropriate to make a similar decision this year.
Business Rates Pool
and NNDR1 Estimate
The business rates estimate for 2015/16 is based on the recently calculated NNDR1 return provided to the Department for Communities & Local Government on 31st January 2015. The return predicts growth above the baseline business rates level set out in the finance settlement. The table below sets out the distribution of the business rates calculated for the NNDR1 return and compares this to the assumed values from the government’s finance settlement announced on 18th December 2014.
Authority - Share |
Provisional Finance Settlement |
NNDR1 Return |
Shares of Estimated Growth |
Business Rates Total |
56,124,896 |
58,525,075 |
2,400,179 |
Central Government 50% |
28,062,448 |
29,262,537 |
1,200,089 |
Kent County Council 9% |
5,051,241 |
5,267,257 |
216,016 |
Kent & Medway Fire & Rescue 1% |
561,249 |
585,251 |
24,002 |
Maidstone Borough Council 40% |
22,449,958 |
23,410,030 |
960,072 |
Tariff due to Government |
-19,491,273 |
-19,491,273 |
Maidstone – baseline need |
-2,958,685 |
-2,958,685 |
Maidstone - estimated growth |
0 |
960,072 |
The significant difference occurs due to three factors:
a) The provisional finance settlement figures are the product of inflationary increases in the original baseline figures set at the commencement of the system on 1 April 2013. The figures do not reflect growth or changes in exemptions and allowances.
There are a
number of allowances that have been introduced by central government such as
retail relief and the extension of the 100% small business rates relief and the
effect of these were unknown in 2013/14 and were built into the system at a
value that allowed a high level of take up which has not materialised at this
c) In the initial year of the system, 2013/14, the Council was required to set aside a significant provision against the cost of backdated and current appeals by businesses against their rateable value assessments. This provision will only require adjustment in 2014/15 and 2015/16.
The table above shows that the Council technically retains 40% of the funds but there is a tariff payable to central government. The tariff is set as part of the finance settlement in each year and the Council must pay a tariff of £19,491,273 from its share in 2015/16. The balance equates to the business rates baseline given in the finance settlement and any growth attributable to the Council.
The total growth is in line with the predictions made by the Council at the time that the Council joined the Kent Business Rates Pool for 2015/16. The current prediction for this Council’s share of growth directly from business rates collected is £960,072 as set out in the table below.
In addition, some of the special exemptions granted by central government that are mentioned earlier are reimbursed to the Council through section 31 grant outside of the business rates system. These grants must be included in the calculation of growth and therefore the levy on growth. The current estimate of these grants, based on the NNDR1 data is a total of £860,380. Adding this to the £960,072 growth estimated in 1.10.4 above gives a growth for levy purposes of £1,820,452.
In normal
circumstances this growth would be subject to a 50% levy which is payable to
central government to support the payment of safety net grant to local
authorities who saw business rates decline in their area. Due to the fact that
the Council is a member of the Kent Business Rates Pool the levy will not be
due in full. The levy on members of the pool is 1.25% rather than 50%.
The pool agreement
enables the Council to retain some growth and distribute the balance as
Action / Beneficiary |
Formula |
£ |
MBC retains the first 50% of the growth |
1,820,452*50% |
910,226 |
Central government receive the levy |
1,820,452*1.25% |
22,756 |
the balance (887,470) is shared within the pool: |
Retained by MBC |
887,470*30% |
266,241 |
Growth Fund contribution MBC / KCC |
887,470*30% |
266,241 |
Retained by KCC |
887,470*30% |
266,241 |
Held as a provision against pool losses |
887,470*10% |
88,747 |
Total |
887,470 |
The sum retained by
the Council is estimated to be £1,176,467 and comprises rows 2 and 5 of the
table above. Cabinet has already considered the use of the growth identified in
this estimate and in the budget at Appendix A it has been utilised in two ways.
The initial 50% share retained by the Council creates an earmarked reserve and,
following the year end audit, the resources that are actually confirmed would
be utilised in 2016/17. The £266,241 funding retained from the pool must be
utilised in accordance with the memorandum of understanding which suggests two
· To enhance financial resilience for each of the pool members; and
· To promote further economic growth within the district based pool area.
Cabinet have
previously considered options to utilise the resources to achieve the second
purpose by supporting the actions required in the economic development strategy
with this resource.
In order to recognise
the business rates growth within the budget for 2015/16 the estimated growth
figure has been incorporated into the resources section of the strategic
revenue projection at the value calculated from the NNDR1 return. The two
objectives identified for the resources above have also been shown in the strategic
revenue projection in Appendix A.
New Homes Bonus
The Council has
previously made the decision that New Homes Bonus should not be used as a
temporary resource to provide a balanced revenue budget. With the exception of
some small value revenue projects that were one-off in nature, resources gained
from New Homes Bonus have been reserved for support to the capital programme.
The Council’s intention is to ensure that resources are available from New
Homes Bonus and future Community Infrastructure Levy contributions to support
the needs of the Infrastructure Delivery Plan. The funding is set out in the
capital programme later in this report.
For the financial year 2015/16 the Council will receive a grant of £4,306,285 which is an increase of £565,874 over the 2014/15 payment. This represents payment for new homes in the period October 2013 to October 2014.
Payment of New Homes
Bonus commenced in 2011/12 with the first payments representing housing growth
in the year October 2009 to October 2010. Under the scheme the payment is
compounded for six years and the current payment is an accumulation of the
figures for the last five years as set out in the table below. Members should
note that the financial values and property numbers do not directly match as an
enhancement is paid for any units that are affordable housing and this varies
year on year.
Year |
£ |
Property Growth |
2011/12 |
892,316 |
766 |
2012/13 |
903,336 |
720 |
2013/14 |
1,152,721 |
891 |
2014/15 |
792,038 |
606 |
2015/16 |
565,874 |
346 |
Totals |
4,306,285 |
3329 |
The Government has commenced
a review of the scheme and recently published a report on winners and losers
from new homes bonus. As the major part of the funding has been top-sliced from
business rates the government has calculated the business rates without
top-slice and compared this with the results of the current system. The initial
review concludes that Shire District Councils are the greatest beneficiaries of
the scheme. The negative impact falls in the main on County Councils and
Metropolitan Borough Councils. By region, the South East has the greatest
proportion of beneficiaries from the scheme. Across Kent, Maidstone is the
greatest beneficiary but property growth in Maidstone is shown in the table
above as in decline since 2013/14.
The review will not be
complete until after the general election in May 2015 and it can be expected
that the scheme will change to at least rectify some of the imbalance. Members
should also note that the Labour Party has stated that they will cease the
scheme if they form a government following the general election.
At this time it would
be prudent to assume that funding will reduce but this is unlikely to happen
through the deletion of the whole scheme in one year. The figures set out in
the section of the report on the capital programme assume an annual reduction
of 35% in the calculated value of New Homes Bonus each year from 2016/17 with
no future years added after 2017/18.
Fees & Charges
At the December 2014
meeting, Cabinet considered a report on fees and charges and approved the proposed
increases which provide £76,300 additional income. At that time Cabinet
requested further details on the proposed increase in income from parking and
details of the current trend on fees in development management.
The third quarterly
monitoring report considered by Cabinet identified both parking and development
management as areas where fee income is in excess of the current target. The
income above estimate at 31st December 2014 for parking was £42,821 and for
development management £140,625.
The parking service
proposed a £21,300 increased budget for parking income in 2015/16 which was
approved by Cabinet in December 2014. The increase relates to greater use of
King Street Car Park and not an overall increase in fees. This sum is
approximately half of the increased income currently reported for 2014/15. The
balance of the current year’s increase relates to use of other car parks and
due to the inconsistent nature of the demand for individual car parks the trend
remains uncertain. The parking services manager has recommended a cautious
approach at this time and a full review for the 2016/17 budget.
The Head of Planning and Development is working with the business improvement section to review the long term growth predictions and the expected levels of staffing required to ensure appropriate levels of service tied to the increased level of applications. Due to the changes to the Planning Administration Section and the work on the local plan it is essential that this issue is given full consideration and, as with the parking service, the options will be further considered in the development of the 2016/17 budget.
Council Tax Levels
In 2013 the government
announced arrangements for council tax freeze grant to be available for the two
years 2014/15 and 2015/16. In both years the grant available is equivalent to
1% of the council tax. The grant conditions do allow for an enhancement that
effectively disregards the local council tax support discount provided by the
Council and therefore represent slightly more than 1% of net council tax
In 2014/15 the Council
did not accept the grant and increased council tax by 1.99%. This was in line
with the decisions of all major preceptors. In 2015/16 the major preceptors
have all reported that their decision is to again increase council tax by
1.99%. The Cabinet’s draft budget, which was used for all consultation,
included the same level of increase for the Council.
The additional income
that a 1.99% increase generates for Maidstone Borough Council alone is £262,081
and the 1% enhanced council tax freeze grant available is £144,169. The budget
reported here is balanced against the level of resources available from a 1.99%
increase and a decision to take the council tax freeze grant would require an
immediate amendment to the budget of £117,912 to ensure it remains in balance.
The longer term impact
of accepting the council tax freeze grant would be more severe. Resources would
further reduce due to the decline of revenue support grant, future council tax
increases, and future tax base increases. These are explained below:
a) The council tax freeze grant, once awarded, is rolled up into the Council’s finance settlement becoming an integral part of the revenue support grant. The Government has previously made clear that the revenue support grant has a finite life span. The Council’s current strategy assumes revenue support grant will not be received by this Council after 2018/19. Any consideration of the benefit of the council tax freeze grant would have to incorporate the decline of the grant over that period of time.
b) The Council’s current strategy assumes compounded increases in council tax equivalent to 1.99% per annum for the five years of the strategy. If the council tax is not increased for one year this will mean a permanent reduction in the level of income receivable. This is because the council tax referendum limit is annual and any increase not taken cannot be added in a later year. It is permanently foregone.
c) All growth in the tax base would only provide resources at the lower level of council tax charge.
The table below sets
out the elements of council tax revenue that would be foregone. This represents
the total amount of cash that the Council would not receive in the period of
the strategy if it chose to accept the available council tax freeze grant in
2015/16. The columns relate to the three issues set out in paragraph 1.13.4 above:
Paragraph: |
a. |
b. |
c. |
Year |
Grant Received £ |
Income foregone on tax charge £ |
Income foregone on tax base £ |
Total £ |
2015/16 |
-144,169 |
196,559 |
65,523 |
117,913 |
2016/17 |
-93,039 |
202,700 |
65,846 |
175,507 |
2017/18 |
-58,634 |
208,898 |
66,170 |
216,434 |
2018/19 |
-26,710 |
215,733 |
66,493 |
255,516 |
2019/20 |
0 |
222,610 |
66,840 |
289,450 |
Total after 5 Years |
-322,552 |
1,046,500 |
330,872 |
1,054,820 |
The table shows that
income foregone will rise over the period of the MTFS and the net revenue
foregone over the period would be £1,054,820. The total column of the table
shows that an immediate budget reduction of £117,913 would be required, rising
to £289,450 by the year 2019/20.
The Estimate 2015/16
set out in Appendix A assumes a 1.99% increase in the council tax change for
Savings proposals
Based upon the
considerations set out in this report the Council will need to identify
£3,141,000 over the period of the medium term financial strategy. In 2015/16
the requirement for savings is £652,000.
Set out
in Appendix A are the savings proposed by officers and Cabinet Members
for 2015/16 and these total the required £652,000. The proposals therefore
produce a balanced budget. These proposals have been reported to Cabinet
previously and formed part of the consultation with Overview and Scrutiny.
future years, 2016/17 to 2019/20, the medium term financial strategy requires
an additional £2,489,000 in savings and efficiencies to be achieved to ensure a
balanced budget and continued future resilience of the Council.
Revenue Estimates
in Appendix A is a summary of the revenue budget for 2015/16. The
summary shows the Original Estimate 2014/15 as approved by Council in March
2014; the Revised Estimate 2014/15 calculated as part of the budget development
work completed this year; and the Estimate for 2015/16 based upon the details
set out in the section on the strategic revenue projection.
Revised Estimate 2014/15
The revised estimate 2014/15 shown in Appendix A totals £17,159,840. This figure is net of all income with the exception of the use of balances, the finance settlement and the council tax requirement. This figure, compared to the original estimate approved by Council in February 2014 shows an increase of £2,010,700. The main variance is the value of the carry forward budgets approved by Cabinet in May 2014.
Original Estimate 2015/16
estimate 2015/16 shown in Appendix A totals £14,727,710. This incorporates an
allowance for slippage. The figure is net of all income with the exception of
the use of balances, the finance settlement and the council tax requirement.
This figure excludes the value of all precepts but includes the government
grant passported to parishes to compensate for the local council tax support
Capital Programme was reported to Cabinet in December 2014 and considered by
Overview and Scrutiny in January 2015. The programme covers the same period as
the strategic revenue projection, 2015/16 to 2019/20 and is also set out in Appendix
programme is presented, as is the revenue budget, by Council priority from the
strategic plan. The programme is affordable for 2015/16 and is dependent upon
levels of funding for future years.
Balances/Earmarked Reserves
Included in Appendix A is a statement of general fund balances and
details of the earmarked reserves that have been set up following the external
auditors report on the Council’s 2013/14 Audit.
earmarked reserves incorporate a capital reserve that includes all of the
retained New Homes Bonus and other revenue support to the capital programme
available from previous years. In addition the earmarked reserve for the local
plan contains the £480,000 set aside by Cabinet to replace the budget funding
that has been transferred to the housing service.
in this report the estimated level of resources available from business rates
growth is identified. The report recommends that this resource, at this time an
early estimate for the coming year, should be identified in the budget but set
aside as an earmarked reserve for use in 2016/17 once the actual value of the
growth is confirmed by the government.
General fund balances are estimated to be £4,470,000 by 31 March 2016. In considering the level of reserves that should be maintained Cabinet made two decisions:
a. The first is an absolute minimum below which the Cabinet cannot approve the use of balances without agreement by the Council. Since 2009 this has been held stable at £2,000,000 despite the net revenue expenditure level decreasing from £22,295,330 to £19,008,000. It is recommended that Council approve that the minimum level of balances be maintained at £2,000,000.
second is an operational minimum, set for daily use of balances by Cabinet, for
Cabinet. In the past this has been set £300,000 above the Council set minimum.
This would be £2,300,000 and Cabinet approved the principle that the daily use
level of balances should be £300,000 above the Council set minimum.
Term Financial Strategy
The Council publishes two
separate financial strategies. One for the revenue plan and one for the capital
plan both are included in Appendix A.
The strategies are focused on the five year period of the Council’s planning cycle. In some local authorities plans of ten years and plans of three years are often seen. It is considered that a three year plan is too short to meet the requirements of the Council’s strategic planning environment and that ten years is too long a period for a reasonable level of assessment about the future to be made.
financial projection that complements the Revenue Medium Term Financial
Strategy is the strategic revenue projection given at Appendix B. The financial
projection considers the targeted need for growth and savings over the period of
the Revenue Medium Term Financial Strategy and incorporates a number of
assumptions about inflation and changes in local and national initiatives.
financial projection that compliments the Capital Medium Term Financial
Strategy is the capital programme included in Appendix A.
strategies may require amendment following Cabinet’s consideration of this
report and following consideration by Council on 25 February 2015. The final
versions will be published as part of the budget documents on the Council’s
website following the Council meeting.
Alternative Action and
why not Recommended
The alternatives for each recommendation are included in the report for consideration with one exception that is detailed below.
Council could consider the setting of a council tax charge that is greater than that used as a planning assumption. The Department for Communities and Local Government announced the level of tax increase that would trigger a referendum at the same time as it announced the provisional finance settlement and the limit is 2%. Any increase above this limit would require the Council to hold a referendum which would incur significant additional costs for the referendum and, if the response was not in favour of the increase, the resetting of the budget and rebilling all tax payers.
Background Papers