Item 16, Page 107                                    THE LODGE, LONDON ROAD, MAIDSTONE, ME16 0LP



Reference number: 14/503493


●        It is recommended that condition 3 is amended to read;


The details of landscaping submitted pursuant to condition 1 above shall be based on the Tree Survey (received 22/08/14) and Landscape Planting Strategy (received 22/08/14 ref:2025/14/B/6) and provide for the following:


(a) details of any proposed alterations in existing ground levels, and of the position of any proposed excavation, [within the crown spread of any retained tree or of any tree on land adjacent to the site] [within a distance from any retained tree, or any tree on land adjacent to the site, equivalent to half the height of that tree];

(b) removal of the Leyland Cypress located near the eastern corner of the site including appropriate native replacement; 

(c) Details of the acoustic barrier fence that is to be erected along the inner edge of the planting along the northern and eastern boundaries of the site;

(d) details of the specification and position of fencing [and of any other measures to be taken] for the protection of any retained tree from damage before or during the course of development;

(e) the location, species and size of all new trees, shrubs and hedgerows to be planted, those areas to be grassed and/or paved, and for a programme of planting and transplanting.  The landscaping scheme shall include details of all surfacing materials and existing and proposed ground levels.  The landscaping scheme shall be completed during the first planting season after the date on which any part of the development is completed for occupation or in accordance with a programme of planting agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Any newly planted tree, shrub or hedgerow dying, uprooted, severely damaged or seriously diseased or existing tree, shrub or hedgerow to be retained, dying, severely damaged or seriously diseased, shall be replaced within the next planting season with others of the same species and of a similar size, unless the Local Planning Authority gives prior written consent to any variation;

(f) the retention of cord wood from tree and shrub clearance works on site to provide biodiversity enhancement.


Reason: To ensure that the proposed development is satisfactorily integrated with its immediate surroundings and provides for adequate protection of trees and in the interest of biodiversity.


●        The following additional informative is recommended;


The applicant is advised to fence-off part of the north western open space with chestnut spile fencing and hedgerow, in order to provide ecological enhancements for the benefit of reptiles.


●        Paragraph 7.08 states, “….the proposal site is not in a truly unsustainable location...”.  This is an error and as set out in paragraphs 7.04 and 11.01 of the report, the site is considered to be in a sustainable location.


●        Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council have raised no objection to this proposal subject to conditions regarding land contamination assessment, and the provision of mitigation and enhancement measures for protected species within the site.  These issues have been appropriately addressed in the committee report.


My recommendation is unchanged