Appeal List - 16/4/15

PLANNING COMMITTEE – 16th April 2015




  1. MA/14/0558                Outline application for the provision of six new

dwellings including garaging and access.                                                                   Appearance, landscaping and scale reserved for future consideration.


APPEAL: Dismissed


Ye Old Cottage, Green Lane, Langley, Maidstone, Kent, ME17 3JW


(Delegate Decision)



2.      TA/0054/14                 Tree Preservation Order application: TPO No.9 of                                         2011: an application for consent to crown lift                                               one oak tree to 6 metres above ground level,                                         reduce the crown by 15% and thin it throughout                                               to remove dead, broken and crossing branches


APPEAL: Allowed with Conditions


Broad Oak House, Pheasant Lane, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 9QR


(Delegated Decision)



3.       14/502189                 
Advertisement consent for the installation of one                                         internally illuminated freestanding sign and three                                                  non-illuminated signs to the building.


APPEAL: Allowed with Conditions


3 Ashford Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 5BJ


(Delegated Decision)
