Item 16, Page 106


Reference number: 15/502152


Lenham United Reformed Church, Maidstone Road, Lenham, Kent ME17 2QH

Amendment to report:


The recommendation as set out on the report summary on the papers refers to outline planning permission; this is incorrect as the application is for full planning permission, which is accurately reflected in the recommendation under section 9 of the report.


Amended drawings and appendices to LVIA:


An amended drawing numbers 13-0158-04 rev D and 13-0158-07 rev B have been received which show the correct footprint of the dwelling to plot 14, and a streetscene from Maidstone Road .Copies of both drawings are attached. As such I propose amending conditions 16 and 21 be amended and the following informative added to the recommendation as follows:


Condition 16


The development shall not commence until there has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority a scheme of landscaping, using indigenous species which shall include indications of all existing trees and hedgerows on the land, and details of any to be retained, together with measures for their protection in the course of development  in the form of a Tree Protection Plan undertaken by an appropriately qualified party in accordance with BS5837:2012 and a programme for the approved scheme's implementation and long term management.


The landscape scheme shall be designed using the principles established in the Council's adopted Landscape Character Assessment and Landscape Guidelines (Harrietsham to Lenham Vale landscape type) and shall be based on the principles shown on drawing number as shown on drawing number 13-0158-04 rev D received 10th April 2015 and shall include, inter alia, the retention of all trees and hedges identified as such in the Ben Larkham Associates Arboricultural Impact Assessment (reference tr-1117-14) received 25th July 2014; landscaped buffer zones to the western boundary and south east corner of the site, a "green" in the west of the site, and a landscaped area adjacent to the site access. The landscaping scheme shall include the provision of cordwood greater than 150mm in diameter arising from tree clearance shall be retained and stacked safely within landscaped areas and other appropriate features of biodiversity enhancement.


The implementation and long term management plan shall include long term design objectives, management responsibilities and maintenance schedules for all landscape areas, other than small, privately owned, domestic gardens.


The landscaping of the site and its management thereafter shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details over the period specified;


Reason: To safeguard existing trees and hedges to be retained, ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development and a high quality of design, and safeguard and enhance the character and appearance of the Lenham Conservation Area and the setting of adjacent listed buildings.


Condition 21


The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


drawing numbers SK01 and T13128 received 25th July 2014; drawing numbers 13-0158-01 rev A, 13-0158-03 and 13-0158-04 received 28th July 2014; drawing numbers 13-0158-10 rev A, 13-0158-11 rev A, 13-0158-16 rev A, 13-0158-17 rev A, 13-0158-21 rev A, 13-0158-22 rev A, 13-0158-23 rev A, 13-0158-24 rev A, 13-0158-25 rev A, 13-0158-26 rev A, 13-0158-27 rev A, 13-0158-28 rev A, 13-0158-29 rev A, 13-0158-31 rev A, 13-0158-32 rev A, 13-0158-33 rev A, 13-0158-40 rev A, 13-0158-41 rev A, 13-0158-42 rev A, 13-0158-46 rev A, 13-0158-50 rev A, 13-0158-51 rev A and 13-0158-52 rev A received 21st August 2014; drawing numbers 13-0158-30 rev A, 13-0158-35 rev A, 13-0158-36 rev A, 13-0158-37 rev A and 13-0158-38 rev A received 39th August 2014; drawing numbers 13-0158-05 rev B and 13-0158-07 rev A received 9th October 2014; drawing numbers 13-0158-06 rev C, 13-0158-15 rev A, 13-0158-18 rev B, 13-0158-20 rev B, 13-0158-45 rev B and 13-0158-47 rev C received 2nd April 2015; drawing number 13-0158-06 rev D received 8th April 2015; drawing number 13-0158-04 rev D received 10th April 2015; and drawing number 13-0158-07 rev B received 14th April 2015;


supported by a Design and Access Statement (undertaken by Hume Planning Consultancy); Planning Statement (undertaken by Hume Planning Consultancy), Arboricultural Impact Assessment (undertaken by Ben Larkham Associates reference tr-1117-14), Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Report (undertaken by David Hares Landscape Architecture reference 227-01-01 and 227-01-02), Bat Emergence Survey (appendices only) (undertaken by Arbtech), Drainage Impact and Flood Risk Assessment (undertaken by BSF Consulting Engineers reference 15304 rev 2.2), Transport Statement Report (undertaken by TPHS) and Statement of Community Involvement (undertaken by Hume Planning Consultancy) received 25th July 2014; a Heritage Impact Assessment (undertaken by Purcell) received 21st August 2014; and a Bat Emergence Survey (undertaken by Arbtech) and Phase I Habitat Survey (undertaken by Arbtech) received 9th October 2014; and Visual Impact Assessment Appendices (undertaken by David Hares Landscape Architecture reference 227-01-01 and 227-01-02) received 14th April 2015;


Reason: To ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development and a high quality of design, to safeguard and enhance the character and appearance of the Lenham Conservation Area and the setting of adjacent listed buildings, and in the interests of avoiding conflict between adjacent land uses.


Additional informative:


For the avoidance of doubt, the approved layout (subject to details required by way of conditions) is that shown on drawing number 13-0158-04 rev D received 10th April 2015.


Members will note that in paragraph 5.14 the Maidstone Borough Council Landscape Officer makes reference to report being undertaken to 2002 LVIA guidance. This was in response to a drafting error in the appendices (note the Officer’s comment that the “broad principles of the LVIA are acceptable”), and an amended version making reference to the correct (2013) guidance has been provided. The Council’s Landscape Officer has confirmed that this is acceptable to address this matter in a satisfactory manner.



My recommendation remains unchanged, subject to the amended conditions and additional informatives as set out above.