ITEM 21 2 - update

Item 21 page 234                                     Land North of Heath Road, Coxheath


Reference number: MA/14/0836



Paragraphs 2.02, 3.0 and 9.52 make reference to car parking provision in this development. They should read as follows:-


2.02   The proposal comprising 8 one bedroom apartments, 2no two bedrooms   apartments, 26no two bedroom houses, 47no three bedroom houses and 27 four bedroom houses. The dwellings would comprise of two storey detached, semi-detached and terraced houses and 3no 2 storey blocks of flatted type accommodation in the south west corner of the site together with provision of 189 associated car parking spaces plus 22 on street visitors car parking spaces together with, landscaping, amenity space and engineering works.




Site Area (ha)


Overall Housing Density


No. of Storeys

2 (dwelling houses), 2(apartments)

Parking Spaces

189 +22 on street visitors parking spaces

No. of Residential Units

110 dwellings

No. of Affordable Units

44 = 40%


9.52   The proposal would made provision for 211 on site car parking and garaging spaces. These comprise 128 parking spaces for 66 market houses, 22 parking spaces for visitors and 61 unallocated car parking spaces for 44 affordable dwellings plus four fogs (flat over garage). Cycle storage facilities would also be provided within in the curtilage of each dwelling house. It is considered that the proposed level of car parking provision is satisfactory and the development would not impact on the highway safety or amenities of the surrounding properties.





Applicant has also submitted the following as the economic contribution of the development in support of the application.





Recommendation remains unchanged