Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee

13 January 2016


Urgent Update:  Agenda item 12 - Integrated Transport Strategy Progress



Substitute the total wording, as follows:

“The following documents are to be published with this report and form part of the report:

·         Appendix 1:  Draft Maidstone Integrated Transport Strategy

·         Appendix 2:  Maidstone Walking and Cycling Strategy

·         Appendix 2;  Appendix A: Maidstone Urban Area Walking and Cycling Isochrones

·         Appendix 2;  Appendix B: Annual Average Daily Cycle Flows – Maidstone Radial Routes

·         Appendix 2; Appendix C: Collisions Involving Pedestrians and/Cyclists, July 12 – June 15

·         Appendix 2; Appendix D: Maps of proposed Walking and Cycling Strategy Actions “