Extract from Council Procedure Rules – Part 3.1 of Constitution
Ordinary meetings of the Council will take place in accordance with an agreed calendar of meetings. Ordinary meetings will:
(a) elect a person to preside if the Mayor or Deputy Mayor is not present;
(b) receive any declarations of interest from Councillors and officers and deal with any applications for dispensations;
(c) receive any disclosures of lobbying by Councillors;
(d) consider whether any items should be taken in private because of the likely disclosure of confidential or exempt information;
(e) approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting;
(f) receive any announcements from the Mayor;
(g) receive any petitions or deputations;
(h) receive questions from, and provide answers to, the public in relation to matters which in the opinion of the person presiding at the meeting are relevant to the business of the Council;
(i) allow any member of the public to speak in accordance with the rule on Public Speaking;
(j) the following will receive and respond to questions from Councillors in chronological order of receipt:
· Chairmen of Committees; and
· Other spokespersons nominated by the relevant Chairman.
(k) receive the Leader’s Report on Current Issues and the Group Leaders’ responses;
(l) deal with any business from the last Council meeting;
(m) receive reports from the Council’s Committees where there are recommendations for the Council to take a decision;
(n) receive reports about the business of joint arrangements and external organisations which include matters for decision;
(o) consider motions in the order in which notice has been received;
(p) consider any other business specified in the summons to the meeting, including consideration of proposals from officers for debate; and
(q) consider matters where confidential or exempt information may be revealed.