Item 20, Page 91 -109
Ref: 17/504623/FULL
Amendments to the following sections 2.0 Proposal Paragraph 2.2 The applicant is now offering an additional unit for shared ownership which will now make the mix 24 flat for market rent, 9 flats for affordable rent and 5 x 3 bedroom homes for shared ownership
4.0 Local representations Since the report was produced, a further representation was received essentially repeating earlier comments. This letter raised the following issues;
Officer response; these matters were covered in the original report
5.0 Consultations We have now received the following responses; Environment health response No objection subject to conditions relating to noise, air quality, contamination and EV charging points KCC Drainage No objections to submitted strategy and recommends a condition is placed on any permission
Paragraph 6.36 Following discussions with the applicant a further unit of shared ownership will be provided which will bring the overall affordable provision to 30% which will be compliant with policy SP20. This will be secured by the legal agreement. 8.0 Recommendations Heads of terms Point 6- 30% Affordable Housing (9 affordable units and 5 shared ownership units) Additional Conditions (additional conditions following further consultation responses) No development (excluding the car park development) shall commence until the developer has developed a scheme detailing and where possible quantifying what measures or offsetting schemes are to be included in the development which will reduce the transport related air pollution of the development during construction and when in occupation. The report should be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority, prior to development. [The developer should have regard to the DEFRA guidance from the document Low Emissions Strategy -using the planning system to reduce transport emissions January 2010.] Reason: In the interests of protecting health.
Land at Brunswick Street, Maidstone |
Subject to the additional/amended HoTs and conditions, my recommendation remains unchanged.