Appendix B
Draft Vision
“A borough of opportunity that works for everyone that residents are proud to be part of.”
Draft Objectives and Outcomes
1. Objective: Great Environmental Quality
1. The borough’s biodiversity and green corridors are improved
2. More residents participate in taking care of the environment
3. The carbon footprint of the borough is reduced
4. Everyone has access to high quality and attractive parks and green spaces
5. More waste is treated locally and used as valuable resource
6. A borough which is recognised as being clean and well cared for
2. Objective: Well Connected Safe and Empowered Communities
1. A borough where more people feel safe
2. The harm caused by crime and anti-social behaviour is reduced
3. More investment in community infrastructure
4. A diverse range of community activity enabled by the Council
5. A borough with more neighbourhood plans
6. Community creativity is encouraged and enabled
3. Objective: Embracing Growth
1. New places are created that are well designed and connected
2. The council leads the master planning and invests in the creation of new places
3. All new homes are built to a high quality of environmental and renewable building standards
4. The housing need is met for all
5. Communities are engaged in planning growth of their place.
4. Objective: Renowned for Heritage and Culture
1. The value of tourism is increased
2. Well established and promoted cultural quarter
3. A destination that hosts high quality festivals and events and celebrates diversity
4. Increased resident participation in cultural and heritage activities
5. Everyone knows we are the County town of Kent
5. Objective: A Decent Home for Everyone
1. Homelessness and rough sleeping is prevented
2. Residents have a decent home
3. The borough has a range of housing type and tenure to meet residents needs
4. The accommodation needs of the Gypsy and Traveller community are met
5. We have enabled and delivered affordable housing
6. Objective: Better Transport Systems
1. The transport system supports the growth in homes and jobs
2. Sustainable travel options are invested in and improved
3. Greater joined up decision making for transport
4. The air quality impacts of transport are reduced
7. Objective: People Fulfil their Potential
1. Deprivation is reduced
2. Skills levels and earning potential of our residents are raised
3. Health and well-being inequalities are reduced
4. Social mobility is improved
8. Objective: A Thriving Economy
1. Business start-ups and survival rates are improved and we are the best in Kent
2. A revitalised town centre
3. Inward investment is increased from the South East and beyond
4. Improved high speed broadband
5. The Kent Medical Campus is delivered