Page 24 of the plan, page 38 on the agenda
Insert 3 additional words in red.
Implementing the Matrix
After assessment, each open space will fall into one of the four quadrants of the matrix. This will help to indicate a possible course of action for each open space, but the final decision will require consideration by experienced staff and elected representatives. The matrix provides a tool to help decision making by MBC in the context of wider MBC strategies and the Parks & Open Spaces 10 year Plan. Fundamentally it supports decision-making on the targeting of resources.
Page 19 of the plan, page 33 of the agenda
Delete one word in red.
2. S106
Developer Contributions
The Maidstone Borough Local Plan (2011 – 2031) Policies DM19 and OS1 together
set out the Council’s requirements for the delivery of new and improved open
space to support development within the Borough. The Council’s preference is
that the needs for open space generated by new development should be
accommodated within a development site to increase the overall quantity of
provision. Where these needs cannot however be met in full on site, or in an
off-site location, the Council will require financial contributions through
planning obligations to ensure that necessary improvements to the quality of
existing open space provision can be delivered. This Plan and its subsequent
Action Plans, together with other relevant evidence, will be used by the
Council to inform decisions about where such contributions
can be allocated most effectively.
Amend second sentence in red and add additional third sentence.
4. MBC Nature Reserves
MBC will plan to ensure that
the management of its open spaces supports and enhances biodiversity and
addresses fragmentation of wildlife habitats. This will be achieved through
the review of Maidstone’s Local Biodiversity Action Plan and the management of
existing sites and not by the further development or
adoption of new nature reserves. Any
opportunities to create new nature reserves will be considered on their
individual merits with regard to relevant national guidelines and their