Appendix 1

Kent Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy (KJMWMS)

2018/19 to 2020/21



Overarching Vision

The Kent Resource Partnership (KRP) will lead the transformation  to a circular economy, where the value of material resources flowing into and through  Kent are retained, generating employment, skills and training opportunities, and realising wider economic, environmental, health and wellbeing benefits for the local and regional community and beyond.

Strategy Mission Statement

We are committed to delivering efficiency and quality in our resource management and waste services, with focus on: -

·           Maximising the ‘value’ of resources that we manage from households, in terms of realising the social, environmental and economic opportunities;

·           Providing the best possible value for money service to the Kent taxpayer, taking into account whole service costs;

·           Realising opportunities to improve services now and in the future through engagement, collaboration and working in partnership with the supply chain; and

·           Supporting future thinking through ongoing research and evidence that will facilitate the transition into a circular economy for Kent.

Policies & Policy Objectives


Maximising the Value of Resources


Up until 2020/21, the KRP will achieve a year on year reduction to its Kent-wide residual household waste per household (kg/h’hold) tonnage. [Note: measured using the ex NI191 as published by Defra’s waste statistics annually]. 


By 2020/21, the KRP will recycle and compost at least 50% of household waste tonnage. [Note: measured using the ex NI192 as published by Defra’s waste statistics annually].


By 2020/21, the KRP will ensure no more than 2% of Kent’s municipal waste ends at landfill. [Note: measured using the ex NI193 as published by Defra’s waste statistics annually].


By 2020/21, the KRP will develop a joint approach to facilitate the procurement of third sector/reuse providers/charities in managing and delivering a reuse service for bulky waste.


The KRP will explore the possibility of implementing recycling on-the-go initiatives, and other similar activities aimed at recovering resources and help reduce litter. The KRP will also look to engage and work with the supply chain to deliver recycling on-the-go in key areas of high footfall e.g. towns, beaches etc.


The KRP will publish its Materials End Destinations Publication on an annual basis and continue its transparent approach to reflect where all material resources end up.




Value for Money for Kent Taxpayers


The KRP will deliver value for money to Kent residents by maximising joint service delivery opportunities between its councils; cross-boundary working and ensuring all opportunities to realise economy of scale savings through procurement exercises are delivered.


The KRP will continue to build on its reputation as a leading resource partnership and work with the supply chain to deliver research projects, services and campaigns. As with previous successes, the KRP will continue to seek external funding opportunities, where possible. 


The KRP will retain its focus on food waste as a priority waste stream and support, through the sharing of good practice and identification of joint opportunities, separate collection for discarded food waste on a weekly basis for all residents by 2020/21 where possible.


The KRP will develop a joint approach to tackling littering, fly-tipping and other related enviro-crimes which would be underpinned by creating a culture of sharing high quality intelligence within the KRP and with others where appropriate e.g. Highways England, Environment Agency, Kent Police, neighbouring local authorities and others.


The KRP will facilitate the sharing of resources both in terms of communication campaigns linked to priority actions and focus areas, and in terms of ensuring local intelligence and information can be shared across the County.


The KRP will support its councils in ensuring first class health and safety standards are maintained across the County. This includes employees (& potential employees) have the skills, training and competencies to meet the increasingly technical requirements of the resource management and waste sector.


Engagement, Collaboration and Partnership Working


The KRP will identify opportunities for joint working and realise greater efficiency savings. This to be achieved by maximising on economies of scale and implementing good practice across all aspects of its resource management and waste services, in partnership with both its own councils and through developing new relationships across the supply chain.


The KRP will continue to maximise engagement with national and local government and those operating across the supply chain, and wider industry bodies through representation on forums, networks, working groups, and through its own Annual Conference.


The KRP will produce an Annual Report that reflects the focus and priorities of the previous financial year in delivering the KJMWMS, and any other activities within its remit.


The KRP will maintain a publically available Operating Framework that defines its scope, remit and procedures; review its continued operation at least in 2019 and 2024, or any other times as agreed by the KRP.


The KJMWMS will be fully reviewed in 2021/22; or at any other times as agreed by the KRP; or in accordance with any changes in legislation relating to such strategies.





Future Thinking


The KRP will research activities that will provide an evidence base to enable a more detailed review of the KJMWMS from 2021/22 onwards. This would include focus on:-

·           Aligning with key policies such as the EU Circular Economy Package, 25 Year Environment Plan and the imminent Resource & Waste Strategy. In addition, to maintain a flexible approach to other potential changes that may come from Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) reform, Deposit Return Schemes (DRS), single-use plastic charges etc.   

·           Exploring the possibility of extending the partnership and reviewing potential opportunities for greater cross-boundary working;

·           Considering requirements to secure infrastructure to enhance and develop the network of local resource management and waste facilities. This may include the development of consistent collection specifications across all councils as a means to attract future investment and infrastructure.

·           Developing other metrics and means to focus on quality and value of resources as opposed to traditional weight based targets; and

·           Target material streams and/or specific sectors in order to identify and implement management options within a more circular context.