Strategic Planning & Infrastructure Committee

5th November 2019

Urgent Update


Item 17 – National Approach to New Garden Communities

Since the publication of the agenda, it has come to our attention that Homes England has published a further online resource called the Garden Communities Toolkit.  This provides high level practical advice to promoters of Garden Community proposals on how to plan, design and develop a new garden community.  

For completeness, it is recommended that;

a)   the Toolkit is added to the list of reference documents at the end of the guidance document; and


b)    additional text (shown in underlined italics) is added to page 2 of the document as follows;


This document uses the Framework (paragraph 72) as the starting point and supplements it with guidance contained within the Government’s ‘Garden Communities Prospectus’ (August 2018)3 (“the Government’s Prospectus”) and the Town & Country Planning Association’s (“TCPA”) Garden City Principles.

It also adds local interpretation, reaffirming matters raised in the Council’s own New Garden Communities Prospectus (“the Council’s Prospectus”) which was published alongside its Call for Sites in February 2019.

Homes England’s Garden Communities Toolkit is also a useful resource which provides practical, high level advice on how to plan, design and develop a new garden community. 

Whilst the intent of this document is to pull together the principles outlined in the Government’s Prospectus, the TCPA’s Garden City Principles and the Council’s Prospectus, it is no substitute (nor is it intended to be a substitute) for those documents.