E-Planning - Parish Copies of Applications

Maidstone Joint Transportation Board

14 October 2020


Update on Hermitage Lane cycle facility between Barming Rail Station and Maidstone Hospital and footway/cycleway to be provided within the Whitepost Fields development


Decision Making Authority


Lead Director

Simon Jones, Director of Highways, Transportation & Waste

Lead Head of Service

Tim Read, Head of Transportation

Lead Officer and Report Author

Jamie Watson. Programme Manager, Schemes Planning & Delivery Team

Wards and County Divisions affected

Aylesford South, Heath, Allington

Aylesford, Maidstone

Which Member(s) requested this report?

Cllr Cooper



This report makes the following recommendations:


This report is for information only and the Joint Transportation Committee is asked to note the report.









Maidstone Joint Transportation Board

14 October 2020

Update on Hermitage Lane cycle facility between Barming Rail Station and Maidstone Hospital and footway/cycleway to be provided within the Whitepost Fields development




1.1   Councillor Cooper requested that a report be provided to update the October JTB  on progress being made to provide a cycle facility along Hermitage Lane into Tonbridge & Malling.        




2.1     This report provides an update on progress with the provision of a cycle facility along Hermitage Lane between Barming rail station and Maidstone Hospital and includes information on the planning permission for 840 new houses at Whitepost Field that will deliver a new footway/cycleway between Barming Station and the A20 along the east side of Hermitage.

2.2     The report is for information only.





3.1     A development of 500 houses is currently being constructed to the east of Hermitage Lane by Croudace Homes.

3.2     As part of the planning permission (13/1749) granted by appeal in 2015 for that development, a S106 Agreement was secured that provides nearly £1.5m of funding towards various transport improvements. Most of the funding is to be put towards the major junction improvements being progressed as part of the Maidstone Integrated Transport Package and a new bus service. A further £81,500 of that funding is allocated to providing a shared pedestrian/cycle route on the eastern side of Hermitage Lane between Barming Rail Station and Maidstone hospital and white lining to M20 junction 5 to provide lane discipline. 

3.3     There is also a permitted residential development for 840 dwellings on land (Whitepost Field) planned east of Hermitage Lane in Aylesford ward which will enable a route to be extended from Barming Station to A20



4.        PROGRESS


4.1     A detailed design for the cycle route between Barming Rail Station and Maidstone Hospital has been completed which provides a 2.5m wide shared footway/cycle facility for the majority of the route (land restrictions mean that a wider shared footway/cycleway is not feasible) and a Traffic Regulation Order to be advertised to reduce the speed limit from 40mph to 30mph funded by S106 developer contributions to a value of £81,500. This contribution also includes for placing road markings and lining on the M20 junction 5 roundabout. The implementation of the scheme is yet to be costed and programmed due to the many other road projects being delivered in and around Maidstone and therefore the availability of roadspace however KCC is intending to progress to construction as early as possible (pending sufficient funds being available) and as soon as road space is available which is anticipated to be in spring of 2021. The construction will inevitably cause delays as 2-way temporary lights will be required during this period (estimated 8 weeks) although every effort will be made to minimise disruption. The widening of the footway to accommodate a shared facility will require the existing kerbline to be extended into the carriageway so narrowing the carriageway by up to 0.5m in places. The centre line of the carriageway will be adjusted to suit. It will be necessary to reduce the speed limit along Hermitage Lane adjacent to the route as a 2.5m wide shared facility will not have a buffer between the carriageway and cycleway. The extent of the speed reduction is from the end of the existing 30mph limit north of Maidstone Hospital entrance extending north towards A20 to a point 10.0m north of Whitepost Wood Lane shown on Plan S106 MA 1104 1100 007 in the appendices and will need to be consulted on as is required for any change to a speed limit. The consultation will start late October for a minimum period of 3 weeks.

4.2     The Whitepost Field development will include a 3.0m wide shared pedestrian/cycle facility along the site frontage between the Rail Station and A20 London Road and will be delivered by the developer so providing a continuous link between A20 and Maidstone Hospital.






5.1 Plans of proposed cycle route between Barming Rail Station and Maidstone Hospital:

S106 MA 1104 1100 001, S106 MA 1104 1100 002, S106 MA 1104 1100 003, S106 MA 1104 1100 004

5.2  Plan showing proposed extend of 30mph speed limit along Hermitage Lane:

       S106 MA 1104 1100 007





6.1   Planning applications 13/1749 – Croudace Homes; 17/01595 Land east of Hermitage Lane