Urgent Update for Item 20 (Page 84-97): Application 21/506664/FULL – Rosehill

Changes to description:

The current description reads: “Demolition and rebuilding of the existing barn to provide a 3 bedroom dwelling including rear pavilions linked by glass link. Re-routing of existing road access to allow separate access to house and barn and new underground electric cabling. Alterations to the access. Installation of underground electric cabling.”

The installation of underground electric cabling does not require planning permission in this case, therefore should be omitted from the description. The wording of the proposed alteration to the access is also amended for clarity purpose. The amended description has been agreed by the Applicant via email dated 19 April 2022 and read as follows:

“Demolition and rebuilding of the existing barn to provide a 3 bedroom dwelling including rear pavilions linked by glass link. Re-routing and alteration of existing road access to allow separate access to house and barn and associated landscaping.”

The recommendation remains unchanged.